Cycle Second Oppinion


Medium Fish
Mar 19, 2009
Kingston ON.
This is my first marine aquarium so if I am doing anything wrong or if there is anything I can improve on please help me not harasse me.

I have a 29 gallon aquarium with 5 damsels and one medium sized live rock, the tank has been cycling for about a month nowand is in good condition.
What I eventually would like is a goby tank, I have heard what my LFS have had to say on how to get there but I would like some more oppinions on how to get there from here.




Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
You will need more live rock and you will want to get rid of the damsels prior to adding more rock as more rock will make it harder to catch those little damnsels. You need to get rid of them as they will harass any fish you add and gobies are pretty docile and won't stand up to the constant harassment that the damsels will give them. You will need to add more live rock to at the minimum 1 lb per gallon and as you probably are not running a skimmer you should optimally have about 1.5 lbs per gallon. You need to ensure your water changes are done regularily to reduce nutrient load. Once you have the live rock cycled (if it causes a mini cycle when added) then you will need to add a clean up crew of snails/hermits etc. then you can add your gobies. If adding sand sifting or watchman goby/shrimp pair you will need a good sand bed for them. The sand sifting gobies should be added last as you will want an established live sand bed as they eat what the sift from the sand. Please let us know what equipment you have and what your intended stocking list looks like so we can better advise you.


Medium Fish
Mar 30, 2009
gobies are average fish ....means they can tolerate small tanks ...and but need no change in rocks or other stuff to frequently...i can suggest u one thing
bring her home right now and put her in ....keep changing the water until it grows bacteria...and offcours go and find some aquacultured live rocks and start adding them slowly one by one(one pieace a weak) as you will keep changing the water spike in dust and waste.....your tank is ready to go


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
gobies are average fish ....means they can tolerate small tanks ...and but need no change in rocks or other stuff to frequently...i can suggest u one thing
bring her home right now and put her in ....keep changing the water until it grows bacteria...and offcours go and find some aquacultured live rocks and start adding them slowly one by one(one pieace a weak) as you will keep changing the water spike in dust and waste.....your tank is ready to go
Is this sunnymittu with a different account? Your post sure reads like a sunnymittu post.

Listen to Lorna Dragonet.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
lmao....yeah well what or whomever....I would really suggest you take my comments as written...Ensure your tank is fully cycled BEFORE adding any fish.....