

Small Fish
May 15, 2004
so. california
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Hi All - It has been a while since, I logged on. I now have a problem and I figured you guys were the experts....I have a 50 gal tank, that has been set up for 4-5 years. All was well, but I got a sick fish, and my mom I think od on the medications, trying to save the fish...Fish eventually died, but the tanks has not been right since...Water got cloudy, would not clear. I thought maybe beneficial bacteria had been distroyed and tank needed to go through a cycle again. This has been going on for a couple of months. I have mollies in that tank...So i know the tank is over loaded...We have about 20 adults and 100 mom loves the little ones. The tank was heavily decorated, and I removed a lot of the decorations, and did find some dead fish. I also changed the filter as usual before I realized there was big problem. Fish were stressed because the numbers were off the charts...I tested this am and they are as follows...Nitrites 4.0; nitrates 160; ammonia 0; ph 7.4...I have been doing small water changes to keep fish happy...Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I also found out Mom had added Amequel to tank, because she went to Petsmart, and that is what they told her to do..Pleas help...thanks Jan


Large Fish
Feb 27, 2008
Lynchburg, Va
I can share whats been suggested to me- I'm cycling right now.

Do lots and lots of water changes- every day (multiple in a day if possible) until you get the nitrites under 1- should be 0. I've been told that with both ammonia & nitrite levels above 1 are toxic to fish. I think also that nitrates are supposed to be 20-40.
Someone else should be able to help with how to get rid of some of the nitrates... if lots of water changes aren't the answer.
I've been using Prime as my water conditioner- it's supposed to help neutralize ammonia and chlorine and chloramine.
Also, it was suggested to me not to worry with any kind of meds to help de stress or aquarium salt. Just do water changes and use water conditioner.
Good luck!


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
160 Nitrates... youch. I'm MUCH more worried about the Nitrites of 4 though.

Nitrite poisoning interfers with the fishes ability to absorb oxygen and so the fish slowly sufficate from it.

Usually with high Nitrates you'd want to bring it down gradually but the Nitrites there could whipe out your whole tank in a day if you don't get it under control. 50% water changes a day and get some Prime in there. In situations with Nitrite poisoning you can use 5 x the normal dosage of prime to detox it while you do your water changes. (The instructions are on the bottle)

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Small Fish
May 15, 2004
so. california
Visit site
I all sorry, I checked bottle it's amequel Plus, not the regular Amaquel...I did 50% water change tonight, will check levels in am....Do you think I'm cycled?, and do I still need to get Prime. Checked with Petsmart, they said it the same thing???? Also, the sponge in the filter, is filty, should I rinse it out? thanks all for your help....


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Rince the sponge filter in tank water from your water change. NOT TAP WATER. If you have chlorine in your tap water it will kill any benificial bacteria.

And no until your nitrites are gone you're still cycling.

You need to keep up with the 50% water changes until they're gone and you need to get rid of some of those fish.

And they're not the same product at all. If your conditioner doesn't say it detoxes Nitrites specifically you need to get some Prime or something else that does.

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Small Fish
May 15, 2004
so. california
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Hi All

Checked water this am...nitrates 80; nitrites 0 and amomonia 0. I did another 50% water change hopefully numbers will be better after I get home from work. I will pick up some Prime today. I have the room, so I will be setting up a bigger tank. My mom loves the fish, so I quess this time I'll set up a 125 gal. hopefully, that should take care of any babies they have...I'll keep you posted, and hopefull the water will clear.... Everything was fine, yes overstocked, but water was crystal clear, until she od on the meds, thanks again


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
The problem with live breeders is that the babies will just have babies of their own and you're going to end up with the same problem in a larger tank. :( If your mom loves the fish then I would highly advise keeping the numbers down, take the spawn to the local pet store when they're grown large enough. You'll have no shortage of them.

And keep up the large water changes the nitrates need to be less then 40 ppm at all times, preferably under 20.


Small Fish
May 15, 2004
so. california
Visit site
HI - all here's the lastest reading on the tank....nitrates 10; nitrites 0 and ammonia .50. I did a small water change...but something is not right....The tank is now a cloudy mess...any suggestions would be appreciated...also, I did wash out the sponge in the tank water....thanks jan