Cycled in 5 days ???

Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA
Ok so my tank has been up and running since Saturday I did add some "cycle" to the tank to just try and help the process along.

I took a water sample to Petco (only pet store in my town) since I had to go there for cat food anyways.

They said that everything is fine and ready for fish. :confused:

I am not sure if I should trust them. I don't have a test kit of my own and wasn't going to buy one till I got my driftwood and had a chance to put it in.

Should I just trust them and get some fish to keep the levels right?

Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA
There is no fish in there. I did add the "cycle" which is so post to have all the bacteria that is needed.

I have nothing against Petco, but they have given me a lot of questionable information.

Like oh just use play ground sand, yes table salt is ok. But I know different from reading this site.

So I have a hard time trusting them.


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
Cycle does not have all the bacteria needed. It really doesn't do to much. If you wanted to cycle your tank over night you could use bio-spira. I have seen first hand that this product really works and will safely cycle your tank with-in 24 hours. You will need to fully stock the tank with the product.

A cycled tank is a tank that has had ammonia introduced daily. Over time the tank develops nitrifying bacteria that converts this harmful ammonia to nitrite then nitrite is converted to nitrates. Once your tank begins to show nitrates and 0 ammonia and 0 nitirites it has become cycled. If all this sounds foreign then I suggest you do some reading on the fishless cycle.

You could possibly put in a few small, hardy fish to begin the cycle of your tank but this would mean that you must continually put in small numbers every month or so. It is very sketchy and many people often lose a number of fish along the way. A fish cycle will also mean that you will possibly be introducing sick fish to healthy fish in your tank. With a fully cycled tank you can fully stock right away and treat any illness early and not have to worry about later introductions.

Good luck and keep doing research!!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Its very possible to have a cycle over in 5 days...however what DSS is trying to point out, is that you're not actually cycling if you're not adding a source of ammonia to the tank.

What petco is saying about your levels being true. A fresh tank with no ammonia that hasn't been cycled...wont have any ammonia or nitrites...but as soon as you add fish (who will add ammonia to the water through their waste) your ammonia will build up and your cycle will start.

There's no point in waiting to start your fishless cycle...go ahead and start now. All you need is an ammonia test kit and some ammonia. IF cycle had any redeeming qualities...its wasted with nothing for the bacteria to consume in your 'clean' tank.


Large Fish
Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA
Well bad news I did use the "cycle" over 2 weeks ago. I had my water tested 3 times so I figured I was good to go. Started with 9 fish and now I am up to about 20. When to petco to have the water tested again and guess what my amonia level is off the chart.

I hope my fishies make it. I am really in love with them. I asked the guy what I should do to try to bring the levels down and he said nothing. Just add more "cycle" which I have done I guess it is a waiting game now. *SICK*


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
Visit site
I would go ahead and get the test kit as part of your basic set-up stuff. Make sure it has pH, Am, Nitrite, and Nitrate at the very least. Solution based test kits vs. strip tests are more accurate and actually cheaper in the long run.


Large Fish
Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA
Thank you all I did get a ph test kit, but forgot to get the other kits. I was too excited. I was gone for the weekend and I lost one fish. My roomate said he was acting funny all day and then he just died.

His eye was missing, not sure if he got popeye or one of his tank mates. Either way I am sad I really liked him he was BRIGHT orange.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Bio-spira would help you out in this instance...again, the cycle product was a lost cause and really not worth the $$ ya spent on it. If you want to keep the levels down and finish out the cycle, you're going to need to start doing daily or every other day water changes on the tank. Prolonged exposure to those high levels will hurt your fish.

How are they doing today?


Large Fish
Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA
So far so so good. I haven't had the time to get the test kit. I am thinking I will do that tonight. I have to return the dead fishy anyways.

I have some rummy noses' in there and they have been a really good indication when something is off in the tank. They have been almost clear for about a week.

I did add the rest of the cycle just because I had it on hand and now my rummy's are a brighter red then I have ever seen them. I hope it is a good sign. I will test my water tonight and post the results.


Large Fish
Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA
Well I went to the pet store last night to return the dead fish and by a test kit and what do you know they are all out of test kits. Well not all out but the only one they had was $89.99 YEAH RIGHT. Lucky for me I had brought some of my water with me and I had them test it.

Ammonia is in "normal" rage now but my nitrite it in the "dangerous" range. Which I know will happen. I just hope it gets over soon, because the wonderful people at the pet store talked me into fish for my tank way to early.

However I was surprised that when I returned the fish they didn't just give me another one they gave me my money back. The girl working there said it would not be a good idea to add a new fish right now. O MY GOD. They actually have someone that has a brain working there now!!! I will have to make sure she is working when I go in from now on.

I have another question but I will start a new thread for it since it is not cycling related.

Thank you all again.