Cycling a new 60 gallon tank (fish less cycle help)

Dec 21, 2010
New to the forms. Have always enjoyed going to the Aquariums and know finally have one of my own.

So here is my situation, I used Tetra Aqua Safe and Tetra Easy Balance when I set up my tank on Saturday. Put in household ammonia yesterday and got reading slightly around 5. I get readings of 0 nitrite and 0 nitrate, also 0 chlorine and 8.2ph (which I first noticed was high yesterday). This morning I put in Tetra Safe Start. I am beginning to think I should have done Safe Start first, but my question is will the cycle process still work they way I have done it know? Will ph return to normal when the cycle is complete?


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I think you are combining two different methods. Ammonia (fishless cycle) and Tetra Safe Start which "contains" good bacteria (to basically instantly cycle your tank). When you use TSS I don't think you need to add ammonia because they are assuming your will be adding fish shortly after adding the TSS.

There is a link in my signature about doing a fishless cycle (with ammonia). I would check it out and decide which route you want to take. The full fishless cycle or TSS.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
the amonia you are adding is in high enough amts to kill the bacteria in the TSS I believe.

If you are going the TSS route (which i think is questionable) just do that.

If you are going the ammonia route then go that way.