cycling a tank with ammonia


Small Fish
Apr 1, 2006
I read this article I think I found it on this forum I am not sure. Saying you can cycle a tank faster by adding ammonia. I bought a bottle of Goldex ammonia which contains no phosphates or fragrances, at Canadian Tire, so does that mean it is pure ammonia and water? I am still a little nervous to use it unless you guys that know tell me if it is the right one and here is what I copied and pasted. Is this a good way to go about cycling? Thanks for any Imput...

Iggy’s Tank Cycle Recipe FAQ (Revised #1)


This is the recipe I used to fishless cycle my 10 to 38 gallon tanks in 1 to 3 weeks.

· Your Tank (nothing under 5 gallons this recipe)
· No Fish (any fish in the tank need to be removed or they will all die from the cycle)
· Thermometer (any fish tank style, I prefer submersible glass thermometers)
· Gravel, plants, & decorations in the tank
· Air stone & Air pump (any)
· Filter (any including HOB power, canister, under-gravel)
· Heater (5 to 10 watts per gallon)
· 1 Bottle of Ammonia (no additives, no perfumes, no dies)
- household ammonia will do, but make sure it has no surfactants (additives) and no perfumes/color, either of these will poison the water
- The ingredients on the bottle should only say: 'Water + Ammonia'
- Safeway brand (clear) works and West Best Ammonia All-Purpose Cleaner also works. If your not sure, call the supplier/distributor and ask!
· 1 Ammonia Test Kit
· 1 Nitrite Test Kit
· 1 Nitrate Test Kit (optional)

Do the following:
1. Setup your tank gravel, decorations, filters and airlines.
2. Fill the tank completely with treated (dechlorinated and dechloraminated) water.
3. Turn on your filtration system and air pump devices.
4. Turn your Heater on and set to 84F, check your tank thermometer after a few hours to verify the tank water temperature is between 83 and 84F
5. The first time you add ammonia, add small quantities (about 1/4 to 1/2 capful) slowly and test after you add each time (give it 3 to 5 minutes in between to circulate before your test) until you get an ammonia test reading of around 5ppm. The reason you have to add ammonia this way is because most ammonia bottles are diluted with water at different ratios. Markdown or remember the total amount (capfuls) it took to get to 5ppm for your tank volume.
6. Every day, once a day, add the total amount of ammonia that it took to bring your tank ammonia test kit to 5ppm. Do this till the very end of the nitrite cycle.
7. It will take about 3-5 days for your ammonia levels to go to 0ppm after 24 hours, and the first of the two bacteria cycles to complete.
8. Keep adding the ammonia (same amount and every day, once a day) until your nitrite levels become 0pmm after 24 hours, which can take about 2 to 3 weeks time. The nitrite levels will spike for a longer time because the nitrite to nitrate processing bacteria take longer to grow than the ammonia to nitrite bacteria.
9. After the nitrite shows 0ppm (clear), change as much water as you can (leave they gravel/substrate/decorations in the tank) to get rid of the bulk of the nitrate buildup (you can use your nitrate test kit to confirm if you want). Don't 'clean' the tank or use sanitizers, just remove the bulk of the water and replace it with treated water.
10. Now you can fully stock your tank with fish, the 2nd cycle is complete! This means you can add as many fish as your tank size and filtration can manage.
11. If you do not add your full capacity of fish after the fishless cycle is complete, remember that next time you more add fish, add only a few at a time, because the bacteria colonies you built-up during the cycle would have died off a little (from lack of food) so you need to give it time to recover (which can take a few weeks).

To help speed up the process:
a. If you have access to filters or filter media (sponge/bio-wheel/etc) from an established/healthy tank, this will speed up the cycle process considerably! HOWEVER if you plan on removing the filter after your done the cycle, remember you should not fully-stock your tank to start off with, because you will be removing a good portion of the bacteria colony when you remove the filter media.
b. If you have a source of gravel from a healthy cycled tank, mix it into the new gravel to jump-start the colony. Same goes for decorations and filter media. Some LFS actually sell ceramic and other pre-cycled media you can add to your tank, but that will only help the process, it will not replace the time fully.
c. If you have access to a healthy tank (LFS), get them to supply a little water and squeeze the sponge filter into it and then you add it to your new tank water. This might make the tank water look a little murky for a while, but it really helps to seed the tank with the bacteria colonies. Some fish stores actually sell ceramic chips from cycled tanks.
d. Don’t skip or reduce the amount of ammonia till the tank is fully cycled (0pmm nitrite). The ammonia eating bacteria colonies need to stay feel fed to supply the nitrite eating colonies and promote growth
e. Do not use ammonia absorbing chemical filtration media like Zeolite. Some bubble filters have zeolite mixed in with the carbon (white flakes), so remove that filter if you suspect it has zeolite until the cycle is complete.
f. Do not make any water changes until the cycle is complete**
** The only exception is if you accidentally add too much ammonia, then you might need to do a large water change to bring the tank ammonia levels back to around 5ppm.
g. Some people have had good luck using fresh Bio-spira (must be refrigerated during storage to work). Avoid other ‘bottled’ cycle additives. I have had the same time periods with and without the additives, so save your money or buy it for some emotional support if you have to, but I don’t really think you need it.
h. Add some live plants to help control the nitrate levels. You will still (always) need to do regular water changes (I do 25% of the tank volume every week) to keep the nitrate levels from building up too high.
Iggys Tanks



Large Fish
Jun 19, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa
from what ive read if you shake the bottle of amonia and it shows bubbles then it has additives. and is not what you want, someone correct me if im wrong. i've only ever done cycles with fish


Small Fish
Apr 1, 2006
Thanks for the replies , Lotus thanks for the heads up but I am aware that you can't put fish in this way thanks to Iggy's recipe, but its nice you mentioned incase I overlooked it :)

FroggyFox, The jug is 1.8L, brand Goldex and the only thing it says is Household Ammonia,contains no phosphates or fragrance, no mention of any ingredients at all. I have looked at all and anything in print and nothing but what I have mentioned above.

FishLuvr, I can shake it but probably won't be able to see if there are bubbles cause it is a white plastic jug, I suppose I could pour some into a bottle ( if I can hold my breath that long :0

Happy to have any Imput


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
If it doesn't list the ingredients, it should be just ammonia and water. I used some that was the same, said no fragrances but didn't list ingredients.