Cycling-ish Question

Oct 24, 2008
Hi Everyone!
I am new here and just have a quick question.
I am upgrading my 30 gallon saltwater tank to a 60 gallon saltwater tank.

If I am essentially just transferring the exact same sand (probably some addition live sand as well), and live rock that I already have in my 30 gallon into this new tank, am I going to cause the tank to start cycling again?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I'd think that the move *might* cause a spike and a slight cycle, but nothing like the original cycle. If you transfer everything to the new tank you should be ok, but just keep an eye on the levels. Do you have any critters or corals in there? or is it just rock & sand we're talking about right now

If you are going to want to add more live rock to the 60 than you had in the 30 it might be a good idea to get that extra rock and put it in there first and cycle it, then take it out and transfer everything from the 30 to the 60 and put the newly cycled rock with it.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Definitely agree with FroggyFox if you are going to add more rock, do that first and let it cycle through and then add your 30's. You might want to get a new sand bed too and just use a couple cups of the 30's sand to seed it. If you do it that way you should have very little die off from the 30's rock.

Oct 24, 2008
I have two clowns, one damsel, and a clean-up crew. As far as corals go, I have some zoas, frogspawn, and an open brain coral.

I think that I will set the tank up in the garage this week (my garage is heated) and purchase some live rock and live sand to cycle/cure in it. After that is all done, I'll disassemble everything and make the switch.

Thanks for your help!