Cycling plan help!



I was reading about for the best water de-clorifing (excuse my excessive misspelling.) treatment products and found an intersting thing...
Ammo Carb, is what it was. It not only de-clor's the thing but it does alot of other things as well! I read other things too, and they recommend it to all tanks, and I was wondering to the people who have used or know from others, does it do all that it says, can I use it for cycling, will it effect live plants, and is there anything else I should know?
Keeo in mind I have not yet set up my tank, my house is still in the process of being built, but I an to the point of exploding with excitement and want only the best for my fish. So there. XP lol.

It just converts ammonia to less toxic substances. Sounds good on paper, but it robs the bacteria of their food source, thereby preventing their colonies from growing. Basically, it will delay, or possibly, even prevent the cycle from happening.

This literature you read which said to use it in all tanks... would it be the manufacturer's literature by any chance??



Ah! Oh, well, it was on a web page for "That Fish Place", also, I probly should have added it was read to me over the phone! Lol, My friend looked it up for me while I was somewhere else... |D;


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2005
Nottingham UK
Why does everyone H A T E Nutrafin cycle. I have used it for years and have found no problems with it.... Is there something that I should be aware of ?


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Am curious as to your results with Cycle. When (how long after setting up your tank) did you put it in? How long afterwards did your ammonia and nitrites go to zero? Have you compared it to how long it took to cycle a tank without it? Specifics would help me to reach a better conclusion. Thanks.

I have used it for years
Do you mean you have used it constantly, like the bottle tells you to do? If so, you wouldn't find any problems, because your bacteria colony is well established and will adjust to the bioload.

That is the main thing that gets me about cycle... once the bacteria are in the tank, why would you have to keep adding more?