Cycling question


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
I just set up a 110 gal. and moved my Wisper 60 HOB filter from my 55 to this one as it should have a pretty good bio load ( I also run a Fluval 305 on the 55 so it is not without filtration). I also put some of the gravel from the 55 in the 110. Question is: Is this enough to cycle with or do I still need to go through the process of adding the ammonia, etc. (fishless cycle)? I am not sure I really understand the cycle process so this my be a dumb question, but I thought I read somewhere here that a tank could be cycled this way.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
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It depends on what you intend to do in this tank and the bioload in the previous tank. Keep in mind, if the filter has been moved and there is no source of ammonia etc in the water, the bacteria will not survive long.

If you move a well seeded filter over and add a small number of fish at the same time or very shortly thereafter, you should be fine. I've done this a number of times. Just be conservative as you add fish, keeping in mind the possible capacity of the filter and be sure to test the water for the next couple of weeks.


Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
Thanks for the replies. Is there a guideline as to how much Ammonia to add per gallon? I know you need to get up to about 3ppm, but is there any guideline as to a starting point?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Be VERY careful about following directions like that. The reason that you dont usually find measurements on how much to dose is because all of the different ammonia/water mixtures that you buy commercially have different concentrations of ammonia. 5 drops per 10 gallons may not even give you 2ppm with some mixtures...and with other mixtures you may be doing water changes because it put you over a measurable amount.

Best thing I've found is to use a common measuring thing...maybe an eye dropper, or I use the lid of the container. I put one capful in, and let it mix for a good hour (the filter will obviously mix the water). Then test and see where you're at. You want to get around 3ppm or a little more, just to have a measurable amount that isn't WAY high, but you can test it in 24 hours and know if the level went down or not.

I definitely agree with lotus that I'd do the fishless cycle before adding a full load of fish, but moving that filter over will seed it nicely.