Cycling tank and Danios


Small Fish
May 27, 2005
OK so I got my 20 gal tank setup and seeded it with some gravel from my established 10 gallon as well as a few decorations.

Went to pick up three danios 5 days ago and have two pearl danios and one zebra danio. Was not quite by choice, (Story Here) but the zebra danio is chasing the other two all the time. He gives them no rest. One of the peral danios hides up by the heater until the lights are off to avoid the harassment.

The tank seems to be going through the correct motions. Ammonia is increasing and I'll keep on water changes if needed.

My question is should I go to my LFS and get two more zebra danios and he will leave the other pearls alone, or pick up a couple more pearl danios? That little zebra is just the busiest fish I've seen. Does not look like he is nipping, but he terrorizes the one pearl all day.

I do intend to have Angels in this tank when it cycles......Thoughts?

Apr 7, 2005
NE Ohio
If you're that worried, you could take the zebra back. I don't think it'll hurt your cycling process too much to have him chasing around the pearl, although if the pearl's stress out too much, and die, then you're going to have to replace them anyhow. If you think they'll last just a little while longer, then just leave them in there. You should be on the downside of your cycle within a few weeks, and since you're going to put angels in, I assume you're not going to keep the danios in there, so I personally wouldn't worry too much just yet.


Small Fish
May 27, 2005
was thinking

Yeah I was thinking about moving the danios over to my 10G with my serpae tetras and move my two gouramis over to the 20g when it cycles to be with the angel fish.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
This is probably just a classic example of why you should have a good size group of danios in a tank. They're constantly playing tag and chasing each other...its not usually aggression. Once upon a time I cycled a 10G with 3 I'd say you'd probably be OK to go pick up a couple more zebras or pearls...whatever you'd prefer. If the pearls can't even stand up to a might consider getting some more zebras because they might be hardier??


Small Fish
May 27, 2005
Will the Danios interact ok with Angelfish? I don't want to get more if they are just going to be too busy for the Angels. Right now I can move them over to my 10G when the 20G is cycled. The 10G has 5 Serpae Tetras, a pair of cories and a guppy

I am planning two Angels, a couple Cories for this 20G, but have not thought about other fish that will inhabit nicely with the angels beyond that yet.


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Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Have you considered only getting one angel? Generally I hear about people keeping one or three+ of them together more successfully than two. Its kind of like other species where if there are two...the larger or the stronger of the two has a good chance of becoming overly dominant.

As for the danios and the a bigger tank I wouldn't hesitate to say they'd be fine because they have plenty of room to get away from each other...but the angel might become annoyed by them in a smaller tank. Serpae tetras and danios would probably get along well...but that might overcrowd your 10G...

Cories ARE a good match with angels...


Medium Fish
May 10, 2005
My lone zebra danio is also a chaser--I had to sit and watch the tank for a long time to figgure it out. Even when I had a little school of them, he was the biggest and chased the others around as well.


Small Fish
May 27, 2005
FroggyFox said:
Have you considered only getting one angel? Generally I hear about people keeping one or three+ of them together more successfully than two. Its kind of like other species where if there are two...the larger or the stronger of the two has a good chance of becoming overly dominant........Cories ARE a good match with angels...
I was thinking two Angels just because I did not want one to get Ok, I'm still a noob. :)

Still working on the logistics of the 20 gal, so any ideas are appreciated.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
i dont think that you can say that no angel will get along with other fish. I think that you should look in the tank at you LFS and see what they have together and how they interact and go from there. It also might help you with your descions. If Im wrong correct me but that seems logical. Right?


I got 6 zebra danios to start with, had guppies dying left and right so decided to try something different. The danios are fun and very lively, my lone girl gup, started chasing around with them. Decided to try a few more, picked up another 1/2 doz and they almost seem calmer now that they are in a larger group. They love the 20g long that they are in with plants and driftwood, lots of space for them to zoom about. Good luck with whatever you choose to do. :)


Small Fish
May 27, 2005
not going well

Well I had 6 danios in there, but have lost three. One I think was sick, but the others committed suicide.

Yeah suicide.....I have an extra corner filter in the tank. The kind with an airstone and the unit uses two suction cups to attach to the inside corner. They keep wedging themselves between the glass and the filter.

A couple of times I pulled it out and they started swimming along fine. This went on about four more times until I lost one. I suspect he was just stuck too long. So I thought I would stick a piece of clear tubing between the filter and glass so they could not get in. Well last night one got in through the top and wedged himself between the filter and the tank wall. They are just so thin that they can fit there. Been using those corner filters in other tanks and never had a fish wedge themselves in until now.

So now I am down to three and will probably pick up a couple more tonight.

Dumb :)