cycling tank-babies!!

Hi there!

I started up a 10 gallon tank 4 weeks ago. It is still cycling & I have one tiny danino & 2 red Platy's. Last night I looked over at the tank & the danino swam by followed by something white & tiny!
I looked & low & behold a tiny baby Platy is swimming around.
I thought that during the stress of cycling fish don't reproduce....obviously I was wrong.

I guess the other fish have eaten all the other fry & they seem obsessed with getting this last one as well. Poor babe. So far baby is doing a good job at hiding in the plants.

Is there anything I need to know or do? I was very unprepared for this to happen so quickly.
Should I feed them more right now to deter them from eating the fry? I'm nervous to do that with the tank still cycling.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
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I wouldn't expect the baby to survive. It is not uncommon for platies to drop their fry when they are stressed. Just do your water changes like you are supposed to ( at least 1/4 at least twice a week while cycling).