Hey guys...i plan to get 2 Cyphotilapia frontosa alone in a 55g or 77g....( gotta figure wich one i keep for my reef ). It is said they don't dig too much and that they can live with some plants. Is it true ? Also...i'm a saltie so i was wondering what hardware should i use. I already have a AC500..but should i use carbon ? Are those frontosa really hardy ? I use RO/DI for my reef...should i use purified water or tap water ? I was thinking that i could use a sump with bio-balls to get the nitrifying bacteria. I already have 60 pounds of fine aragonite. I plan to use it to maintain high ph for a while.
I never kept cichlids before so anyone with experience...please answer me
I never kept cichlids before so anyone with experience...please answer me