Dalmatian molly is flipping out!

Aug 7, 2012
Hello, I have been reading up on PH levels and how it affects fish, and other peoples experiences. But I need to know how to either lower the PH down or get the fish to calm down. its a 10 gal, 1 Dalmatian, 3 tetra (small), and a small bottom feeder. I have also moved into a new apartment and the tank has new water, (on a side note, these weren't the original fish upon moving in. originally it was 2 balloon belly molly's, 3 tetras, and medium bottom feeder which even with new treated water from the apartment, ended up wiping out all but 1 tetra. :( 3 on impact, and the rest about a few weeks later.) the dalmatian molly cant stop stressing itself out spinning in circles. HELP! :confused:


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I doubt that pH is your problem, but what about ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? Are you testing your water for those readings? Do you understand "cycling"?

Feb 27, 2009
originally it was 2 balloon belly molly's, 3 tetras, and medium bottom feeder which even with new treated water from the apartment, ended up wiping out all but 1 tetra. :( 3 on impact, and the rest about a few weeks later.)
I agree with Thyra that pH is not likely to be causing these issues. More likely ammonia and/or nitrite. Please test the water and post the readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, so we can help you help your fish.

When you say 'new treated water'...what product are you using to treat the water? Do you have a heater for the tank? If so, what temperature to you keep the tank at?