dalmation molly

Sep 9, 2014
I am completely new to fish tank s. For the last year I have had just 5 minnows. A couple of weeks ago I bought 2 Dalmatian Molly's, and now I strongly suspect one is female and pregnant. Would it make the remaining molly miserable off I was to give one away to a friend as I don't particularly want them breeding continually. The guy in th he pet shop claimed at the time they were both female, but now I know different.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Well, the one is already pregnant. And if mollies are like a few other livebearers, they may be able to store sperm and keep having babies regardless of if there is a male present. But, they tend to eat any babies they can find, so unless you are specifically trying to save babies or you have a heavily decorated / planted tank, few if any will make it past the fry stage. That being said, if it is indeed one male and one female, often the male will pester a single female constantly, so you'd do better to have just one molly in that case (it gets tiring for the female being harassed for reproduction all the time). If they are both females, you don't have that worry.