dam puffer fish!!!!!!

Feb 22, 2003
Rhode island...on a island
ok i looked for over 2 weeks from all my LFS's and online for a dwarf/pgmy puffer fish fresh water if you got any info that would help me out like online stores that will sell them CHEAP SHIPPING AND HANDLING MIGHT I ADD i found like 3 stores onelione but the shippings about 20$+ so im not paying that much for 3 puffer fishes shipping and handling my lfs's said they may get them but they've been saying that for about 2 weeks and im getting sick of it so if you got any inof on them pleae tell me it i wanna get about 3 of these i got a 20G lightly planted tank for them plus snails (which they eat) but in a seperte tank....:confused: :eek:


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I once bought a few baby puffers and it was one of the worst experiences with fish that I ever had. They all killed each other in a matter of two days. I was shocked at how aggressive they were towards each other. They were fine in the store when I bought them, but when I put them in their new home they started attacking each other. I admit that I didn't do any research on them before I bought them so that was my mistake. If I ever get a puffer again I will only buy one and I will make sure I do my homework before buying it.

Oct 22, 2002
beave, try expanding your search of fish stores, and dont go to any national chain types they tend to have the worst selections.
I see them at most fish stores in my area for 2-5$ each

I have 2 got them for $2.49 each there ncie to eachother? Mine never pick on the dwarf frogs, or ghost shrimp, but i did have to take out a fish because it was getting picked on by one of them :(

Mine eat frozen brineshrimp and small snails they only torture the big snails and eat there atennas it's kind of sad when u watch it.