Damaged Fin

May 8, 2006
I noticed on one of my Tiger Barbs that he has a little bit of his tail missing mostly liking from my other Tiger Barbs chasing and nipping at him. It isn't bad and it isn't effecting his swimming abilitys and the other fish aren't chasing him any more then normal. So my question is will this grow back on its own? I know there is chemicals like Melafix, but I am not going to use that unless it gets damaged to the point where he can't swim as well and is getting picked on by me other Tiger Barbs.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
No I'm not. I just happened to be on the main page when you posted. Duh it brings up the most resent post, just like this one.

Stress coat is useless in trying to treat damage like this that has been inflicted on a fin. And stress coat is little more than aloe, it adds to the amount of rotting organics in your water making your biofilter work harder. Thus not something a person with a newly set up tank should use.

I will only explain this once. Melafix is obtained from a certain tree, and is a true antiseptic. It in no way effects the biofilter and it will prevent infection.

Edit: And furthermore...It's not meant to annoy you. You are giving the wrong advise pure and simple. We are all hear to help. But sometimes we can offer advice that isn't correct. Heck I'm not 100% right all the time. But in those cases SOMEONE has to make it right.

That is the purpose of forums like this.

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I am an amatuer to this and i was only going on what i thought was good information that i got from books on the subject. Correct me if I'm wrong of course, I don't want to give bad information, but there is a better way to go about it without making me feel stupid. So stress coat doesn't do anything benificial? Should I stop using it?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Sorry..I'll call a truths. My first correction post wasn't meant to make you feel emmm less than smart. But your response sorta irritated me. I'm sorry for that.

Well stress coat will work as a dechlorinator, and if you have been using it to treat your water before a waterchange all this time then I see no reason not to use it. But yes it is worthless as a medication.