damm got white spot!!!

Sep 13, 2003
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just got home too notice that my powder blue has got white spot.... i bought two pipe fish at the weekend so it must of got it from them, but the look ok, i carnt go and get no trement untill tomorrow cos the shops are closed now! i read that the best way too treat white spot is when they are in the water. but i got a ulravioet water sterilliser and that is meant too kill white spot. anyone got any tips please


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yes. But if you have to treat the tank then typically the meds will at least slow down your filter bacteria , if not kill thme so I keep an eye on ammonia, and if it starts to show up as more than trace or zero I do a water change, and put the old main tank water into the QT tank. It means you do need a track of the maths of whats going in and out of the QT though if you need to hold meds at a certain level.
People claim that UV's kill whitespot, but that's only part true. Statistically only a small amount of water at anytime is in the UV gets treated, and if the whitespots in the other part of the tank nothing happens. After hours/days a good lot of the ich will be killed as it makes the mistake of being zapped, but some will always remain to become a threat again.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
as far as how my qt is setup, it is just a ten (soon to be 20) gallon with a hob filter, heater, and some LR which i leave running in the closet...the lr keeps the bacteria levels up.

now that i have the paletta book, and have read it (came yesterday...lol) i can reccomend to you reading his instructions for a QT setup...it sounds pretty similar to white im doing...tried and true method i suppose


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Keep this in mind. You quarantine the powder blue right? Well what about the Pipefish who you suspect to have brought the disease in? As soon as you return the powder blue he will be contaminated if the pipefish are still there.

Also I never would mix pipefish with surgeonfish. Pipefish have special needs and need to be kept in a species tank.

Sam Reef

Sep 13, 2003
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dont belive it went to my fish shop on the way home and got a hospital tank and treatment got home and the powder blue is dead.. whould have perferred it if it died in the hospital tank.. anyway done a a 10% water change with the water that i prepaired yesterday gonna read the the not sure if too add the treatment too my main tank now!! going too read the ieaflet in the box


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
i would read this, first all,


at least then you will be more familiar with what you are dealing with...

it is really irresponsible to add fish in the manner you seem to have done...are there other fish in the tank who are now potentially infected? what will you do if they all get it...especially if this is a reef tank??

Sep 13, 2003
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you are right i know i should have added them to the tank without quarantining them but i never had a problem b4...but now i have a spare tank i will quarantine them now!! i belive this hobby is all about learning and i am still learning,and their is a lot too learn


Small Fish
Jun 14, 2004
ft. worth, tx.
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Some of you'll may blast me but I run copper in my tank. I have no coral, and my live rock is dead now. I have only lost 3 fish in 3 years. I pour a small bottle of copper in my tank every other month. Tangs get all kinds of stress diseases, and with the amount of tangs I have, it is needed. I thought the idea was crazy when the owner of the fish store that I go to told me about it, but it turned out to save me a ton of money. I have kept a Powder Blue for 2 years now. That is very hard to do.


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
What! you pour copper into your display tank? To start with your live rock is dead...and your fish pretty soon. Its good thing too because you have way to many. Five tangs, a full size angel, two different kinds of clowns (never a good idea) and two puffers which grow 2ft each!

My advice, get a new LFS, give away some fish, and never place copper in a display aquarium again.

P.S. I bet you have a lot of HILLE on your fish.

Sam Reef


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
this has to be a joke...how could you possible do such a thing, even if the LFS reccomended it?

fishandchips: learning from one's mistakes is the path to enlightenment :) I hope you didn't take my statement as an attack...i just wanted to drive the point home


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I would rather have a tank with inverts. My fear is that if you run a super sterile system it will be hard to keep the tangs adequately fed.
How long has your tank been setup slg, or have you just upgraded. Your other post says you've only had the tank setup for a few months.
Mind, if you're slinging copper in every couple of months it likely explains your pH and cyano bacteria problems, which might not have occurred if you had a stable system


Small Fish
Jun 14, 2004
ft. worth, tx.
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Sorry, but not a joke. The tank has been set up since June 2002. I got a majority of those fish in Aug 2002. My tank looks great though. I got a the porcupine and the koran a couple of months ago. My tangs are very well fed and very fat and colorful. I put two sheets of algae perday, (My dogface puffer its eat*laughingc also) and flake food in the morning , meat at night. The biggest fish I have is my powder blue and he is about 5 inches. The rest are between 2 and 5 inches. They are not huge fish. Hope this clears up any confusion, and my display tank is my only tank. Don't have a quaruntine tank or whatever there called. I have been doing this for about 7 years now. I just started the copper thing 2 years ago, and it has worked great. I have never lost a fish to disease. I have lost two yellow tangs and my emperor angel that died back in February.:( He died of lateral line erosion.

I am not sure what HILLE is but if you are talking about color, they look great.:)


Small Fish
Jun 14, 2004
ft. worth, tx.
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i don't lose fish anymore. Tangs get ich, they are known for that. I really only dose it about 3 times a year, and that is only if they start getting a little bit of ich. What I have learned in this hobby is that there are 1,000 ways to run a fish tank. Everyone has an opinion on how to do things. Your way may not work for someone else. My suggestion to anyone starting is listen to several peoples opinions. Try them out. Find out which one works for you and use that one. It takes a good year to get your tank the way you want it.

Just because my way is not the way you do yours does not make it wrong. The guy had a question about a disease that is cured by copper, so I told him what I do with my tank. :)