OK!!! If I could cuss and swear on this website, I would. And it is all because of a stupid PITA fish!!!! I have had it with a certain lil yellow damsel. He is beating up my Coral Beauty Angelfish. I have tried and tried to catch and am tempted to give him a burial at sea.:D But I will take the honorable route and take him back to the LFS, where they can deal with him.... assuming I can catch him!!:mad: Ya' ll got ANY ideas on how to catch this little B#$TARD with out tearing down my reef? If I did that, I would lose some of my corals that I have growing.

PLEASE.....HELP!!!!! I really hate this fish.*crazysmil


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
north carolina asheville area
now....ive never used one or even hear if the work, but what about a slurp gun? or what i do to catch speed ones put the net in on top of the rock with the handle out then leave for a few hrs or a day then feed. they come out and are used to the net then yank when he gets close.... lol


Large Fish
Sep 3, 2005
I definitely feel your pain when it comes to trying to catch fish. I have a 75g tank that I had to tear down when switching apartments, and it took forever to catch all of them. Here are a few things I have found to work, but it will still take time.

1. If possible, lower the water level. The less places they have to swim the better.
2. Slowly move the net towards the fish keeping it below the fish so it swims to up to the top of the water. Try to back it into a corner. Usually they will try to jump over the net as they run out of space, or try to swim below it. Try to pin the net against the side of the tank (hopefully the fish is between the two), or move the net up fast enough so the fish just falls into it.

I know it took me a while to catch all 30 of mine, but you get better at it after a while. Oh yeah, and if there is more than one fish you are trying to catch, concentrate on one at a time. Makes it a lot easier instead of jumping back and forth and getting frustrated. Good luck!


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
north carolina asheville area
oooooh. u know those tubiflex worm that you stick the freezedried block too the glass? well even thought the maynot be part of their diet they would have to go to it to eat it, possibly use those for bait, i aggree with mainer, great idea. mabey even a peice of airline tubing to chase him from behind the rock if he goes to hide.

WOOHOOO AMD it WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!

I tried the tubifex worm trick..took me about 10 minutes....THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!*DRUMMER* *DRUMMER* *DRUMMER* It worked perfectly......Stupid fish didnt know what hit him*thumbsups Now I am going to give him to my daughter as her VERY FIRST SW fish........*laughingc

He was sentenced to SOLITARY CONFINEMENT in a breeder net, then tomorrow he is OUTTA HERE!!!WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Cindy, do you dislike your daughter or something? don't give that fish to her. If anything at all damsels if a must should be added last as you now found out. I would give it back to the lfs and good riddance. Your daughter wouldn't thank you later for it. They are horrible fish and should be only kept in a tank specific to their mean assed kind. I had to trap mine. I have so much rock any netting was disaster.

Glad you caught it, now take it to the store and with luck you will get a credit for it. I didn't, but I was just glad to be rid of them........without the flusheroo......


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
It's actually a shame that damsels are so cheap... they should have to be special ordered, so that the LFS can explain about them to the unsuspecting consumers (who for some reason didn't research on their own first).

Well .... I asked my daughter if she was SURE she wanted him....and she said yes..... That is the only fish in her tank now...It has been cycling over a month now. I am going to tell her to exchange him for store credit BEFORE she puts anything else in her tank.:rolleyes:

UPDATE on my tank: Now that the lil B@$tard is out of my tank.... the other fish are alot happier....All swimming around and not hiding anymore. And my Coral Beauty is healing .....

It's actually a shame that damsels are so cheap... they should have to be special ordered, so that the LFS can explain about them to the unsuspecting consumers (who for some reason didn't research on their own first).
I did do my research on these fish BEFORE I bought him...For HARDINESS and able to take the tough water conditions of a new tank, he was my first fish in the tank.