Damn Tiger Barb


Superstar Fish
Jun 7, 2006
Fremont, CA 94536
I came home from work checked the 55 gallon tank and counted the tiger barbs to make sure. Guess what One is missing. I looked around the tank for about 20 mins and finally found him on the carpet just below the filter all dried up. Poor thing. This is the 3 tiger barb i have lost. its like a curse I cant keep 6. Some how they end up becoming 5. Whats the damn deal with that. 1st one died cuz he got sick. 2nd got sucked in by the power head. 3rd killed him self. God help me.:mad:


Large Fish
Jun 19, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa
i came home to find one of my tiger barbs dead and floating for no apparant reason, i instantly checked my water stats, 0 ammonia 0 nitrites and 20-30 ppm of nitrates, so my only idea is that mybe one of my african clawed frogs decided to pick on him. as they are getting big. Time for a new tank i guess, i knew i was gonna have to get one for them, just didnt think they would grow that fast. but they are getting big

Jul 22, 2006
Panter, thats funny, the way you described it. Today, a tiger died, but not in the tank. During the day, he would flip around and I do not know why, but he was still swimming with the group and ate fine. Few hours later, he was more weaker, so I got him out and put him in the toilet. He was clearly frantic. I filled up the cup with hot water and poured it directly on him for a quick and painless death. He died suddenly with no struggle.
