damsels- rock


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Bowdy - for my own info - what are the biggest dominos and striped damsels you've seen? I've seen dominoes at least 6 or 7 inches long holding territory in a big shark tank in Denmark


G'day mate,

the 3 spot dascyllus ( dascyllus trimaculatus ) or the domino damsel as you would know it grow to 13cm (5 in)

Most Dasmsels are very territorial particularly the algal feeding species. damsels will zealousy defend their SMALL PLOT against all intruders regardless of size.

So I agree, they are territorial, I guess because i have so many little cavens and nooks etc with the qauntity of damsels it all seems to pan out. I have seen this type only to 7.5 cm (3 inch) in tanks but I believe to full size in a reef set up call the REEF HQ this is where corals are studied, blah blah great barrier etc etc its a great site, i would love to own it some of the biggest anemonies i have ever seen 3-6 feet round. cos i am lazy

http://www.reefhq.org.au/ check it out

any way i need food - chat soon


oh, the HUMBUG dascyllus (dascyllus aruanus ) which i have look very much like the black tailed dascyllus ( dascyllus melanurus ) the hum bug grows to 8 cm ( 3 in) and the black tailed 8.5 cm

ALL - did you know there are Approx 335 species world wide and AUST is lucky enuff to have 170 ( i got a long way to go to have each one ) does any one have damsel living in anemonies or corals? ( not clowns ) i just find damsels so interesting, each to there own i guess. i actually started out with 6 narrow banded sergeant majors, which i caught in fist size puddles at low tide, cute when little but i had to move them to the NASTEY TANK why 18.5 cm (7.5in) they didnt get that big (uglie ) because the good old barracod was partial to damsels. now these muthers were nastey fish.


Large Fish
Oct 12, 2004
Visit site
Actually, The genus Amphiprion presently has 27 identified species with several species in question that may represent hybrids (A. leuckocranos and A. theilli). (FYI)

Also you live in Townsville - Townsville is a really great tourist attraction, that and Magnetic Island. - I really want to come and see the GBR one day where would you recommend staying and visting and what would you not do if you were a tourist.

Im sure the GBR if full of damsels. So really your living the life

(Want to trade)

well roll me in the dirt and call me dusty


DSK - thank you for the (FYI) as The two names you gave took me to a site above havent fully looked at it as yet (have to go to work) but looks good.

Mate - if my wife goes over seas, crash here. there are back packers that you could stay at which are cheap and you meet heaps of young swedish girls, ummmm i mean people.

magnetic island (maggi) has heaps of places with runs to the reef.

visit the reef and the daintree rain forrest, are the 2 musts

If i was a tourist - i wouldnt swim in un-netted areas, the box jelly fish - ur dead within seconds - minutes, crocodiles,sharks. the reef is safe so thats cool lol.

floating hand bags - we call em- or logs with eyes

lol, sure are, i was fishing this streach of river called cattle creek, it should be call croc creek, (apparently 300+ crocs )this cocky (farmer ) he looses a heap of cows every year so he aint happy, i think there working out a cull, as they have been protected for many years now th medium ones are now bloody huge.

DONT GO IN THE WATER, every where up here they have signs in all rivers beachs, and at the ski section of the fresh part of the ross river, do i ski NO!!!!!