Oct 22, 2002
OK...had no choice..had to put residents of my 10 gal hex, into my 30 gal (needed space for 11 gal nano-reef)..so now here's whats stuffed into my 30 gal:

1 - lrg 8" severum (8 yrs old)
1 - sml 3" gold severum
1- sml 3" green severum
3 - silver dollars 2" - 5"
4 - clown loaches - 2" - 5"
2 - kuhli loaches - 2"
2 - leopard danios 1"
2 - clown plecos 2" & 3"
2 - rams - 2"

here's the QUESTION: when will this come crashing down?? I couldn't ditch all of the 10 gal residents...I have a 200 gph hang-on canister & 100 gph hang-on box filter...and how much longer can I expect my old severum to keep ticking???


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002

How soon can you get another 10G or two set up.  LFS around here have 10g starter for $ 12.  No hood, bubble filter, some food and a little "How To" pamphlet.  Is your 30g on a metal stand?  Cuz if space is a problem, you can usually get another tank on the bottom shelf.

Use gravel from your thirty and from the hex if you still have it.  Use change water from the other tank to fill the 10g.  Throw a sponge fiter in the thirty, to use later if you need to seed some more bacteria in the new tank(s).  Use some filter media from the filters on the thirty on whatever you decide to use on the new tank(s). This should be pretty much be an instant established tank.  IMHO move some fish outta that 30g ASAP.


Maybe your LFS could board some fish for you.  Especially if your gonna be buyin nano reef supplies from 'em.

good luck


Oct 22, 2002
my GF will freak if I set up another tank (workin' on the nano-reef now)...spoke to one LFS and they won't take some of these guys of my hands...should I have some of these fish, ya.. know.. umm swim with fishes...don't wanna jinx it..but things look good so far...but I know it can't last