So, I've started to toss around the idea of getting a second tank (although the wife will probably kill me if I mention it to her) and my initial thought was to do something completely different than the heavily-planted community tank I currently have set up (which I'm still loving, even in moments of frustration).
Instantly, my thoughts wandered to African cichlids - no plants, completely different substrate and water parameters, and an alternate universe in terms of fish interaction.
There's only one problem: I know almost nothing about Africans.
If this idea is to move from an idea into the conceptual phase (and even then, it may not reach realization, at least not for the foreseeable future -- potentially even not until my current tank become free, which I hope is a long time from now), I'm obviously going to have to do my research -- and, more to the point, I'm definitely going to want advice and recommendations from the MFT crowd
Here's a starting point:
- My initial thought is something in the 20-30 gallon range (and yes, that's what my initial thought was when I ended up with the 55 gallon that I wish was a 75 gallon, but I mean it this time -- I promise ).
- My current set up cost me a lot -- and was well-worth it to do things right the first time around -- but I'd likely want to keep a pretty low budget on the set up (and if I skip acrylic for glass and since I won't need expensive plant lighting, I should be able to do...right? Maybe?) What are the basic equipment needs I need to know about?
- I have no clue whether I'd prefer Tangs or Malawis, though I've always enjoyed N. brichardi (but I've spent so little time watching Africans that I'm hesitant to even claim that preference) -- feel free to push your biases on me!
- Here's what I know as far as Africans' needs: Sand, rocks, caves; no plants. Higher pH and kH. No meaty foods for Malawis. ...and that's pretty much it. What I don't know: filtration needs (despite the above comment about keeping things under budget, I'm more than willing to go canister and would almost prefer it)? Stocking "rules of thumb"? Pretty much everything else?
- I fully anticipate lots of responses along the lines of "go to your LFS and watch the African tanks for a while to see which fish pique your interest," which I agree with. Similar "process-related" advice is welcome and wanted, from picking which fish to research to details about how to set up a healthy tank. And, go ahead and assume I'm going to read just about everything I can get my hands on ahead of embarking on this process, so please provide links that might help direct my learning process.
Once again, I am your humble sponge. Fill me with knowledge
(For what it's worth, I've also contemplated making the second tank a species tank for a pair of smaller SA cichlids or kribs -- but I think I'd have a lot more fun with Africans, even if it's just a colony of brichardi...)
Instantly, my thoughts wandered to African cichlids - no plants, completely different substrate and water parameters, and an alternate universe in terms of fish interaction.
There's only one problem: I know almost nothing about Africans.
If this idea is to move from an idea into the conceptual phase (and even then, it may not reach realization, at least not for the foreseeable future -- potentially even not until my current tank become free, which I hope is a long time from now), I'm obviously going to have to do my research -- and, more to the point, I'm definitely going to want advice and recommendations from the MFT crowd
Here's a starting point:
- My initial thought is something in the 20-30 gallon range (and yes, that's what my initial thought was when I ended up with the 55 gallon that I wish was a 75 gallon, but I mean it this time -- I promise ).
- My current set up cost me a lot -- and was well-worth it to do things right the first time around -- but I'd likely want to keep a pretty low budget on the set up (and if I skip acrylic for glass and since I won't need expensive plant lighting, I should be able to do...right? Maybe?) What are the basic equipment needs I need to know about?
- I have no clue whether I'd prefer Tangs or Malawis, though I've always enjoyed N. brichardi (but I've spent so little time watching Africans that I'm hesitant to even claim that preference) -- feel free to push your biases on me!
- Here's what I know as far as Africans' needs: Sand, rocks, caves; no plants. Higher pH and kH. No meaty foods for Malawis. ...and that's pretty much it. What I don't know: filtration needs (despite the above comment about keeping things under budget, I'm more than willing to go canister and would almost prefer it)? Stocking "rules of thumb"? Pretty much everything else?
- I fully anticipate lots of responses along the lines of "go to your LFS and watch the African tanks for a while to see which fish pique your interest," which I agree with. Similar "process-related" advice is welcome and wanted, from picking which fish to research to details about how to set up a healthy tank. And, go ahead and assume I'm going to read just about everything I can get my hands on ahead of embarking on this process, so please provide links that might help direct my learning process.
Once again, I am your humble sponge. Fill me with knowledge
(For what it's worth, I've also contemplated making the second tank a species tank for a pair of smaller SA cichlids or kribs -- but I think I'd have a lot more fun with Africans, even if it's just a colony of brichardi...)
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