Ryan, don't go calling yourself retarded. Learning about new stuff is what these forums are all about. I read about them on thekrib.com. There're all kinds of groovy little bugs you can feed yer fish.
Daphnia are also called water fleas. I don't know what all colors they come in, but the ones I've got are red. They swim with a herky-jerky motion, are
really tiny (but still visable; about 1/16" at best), and fish suck 'em down as fast as they can get them. Really good live food.
Eventually I'm going to try to get my fish to breed, and I'll need some live foods around for preping the parents for "the deed" and for their fry later on. Thought I'd start learning how now rather than later.
Bettaman, are you sure you're not talking about infusoria? I've heard that's the way to make it. Can you actually see the little buggers?