dawarf gourmai


New Fish
Mar 29, 2004
Sydney,the land of OZ
Visit site
iv got an 80 litre tank ,well planted with a pump and an air filtration system. I bought some dawarfs bout 2 weeks ago and in the last few days one has died and a few others are looking like they are suffocating.

can anyone help??


Large Fish
Dec 4, 2003
Visit site
hiya, welcome to MFT :)

sorry to hear about your fish.

are there any other fish in the tank besides those two?

have you cycled the tank yet?

do you have a heater?

if you give us a wee bit more info hopefully someone can help you out.



New Fish
Mar 29, 2004
Sydney,the land of OZ
Visit site
thanks. Yeah iv had this tank for bout 3 years, cyclye the water every 2 weeks got a heater gravel fillter and pump. iv got two angle's, 5spotted cats,3 rainbow sharks bout 20 guppies 2 types of snails , 4 black widows and a few tetras.

the gupies ,angels and snails all breed well so i must be doing something right.

iv had moonlight gourmies befor and they lived for ages. the other dawarfs sadly kicked the bucket this morning. And i have no idea wat of,neither dose the shop that sold them to me but they said if the water they test is ok they will replace them which was good. but i want to get this sorted out before i get some more.

Thanks for any help you can give!


Large Fish
Dec 4, 2003
Visit site
aw, sorry about your fish.

i'm no sure what could have gone wrong with them. maybe they were just in bad condition when you got them. or is it possible some of the other tank mates had a go at them?

another thing could be overstocking? 80 litres is about 16 gallons and the rule as i've heard is one inch of fish per gallon

the test results from your water will be able to tell you if there was too much nitrites/ammonia/nitrates in your water and if that was the problem. maybe get yourself a test kit so you can see for yourself.

if you post on the freshwater sections of the forum, either beginner or the one below it, cant remember what its called, then you'll hopefully get more replies and some of the more experienced fish keepers can help you out from there. :)


Superstar Fish
I think that tank is actually about 21 gallons?

Either way...the tank is quite overstocked. I'd look for another tank to move some of your fish. Two angels should have no less than 29 us gallons...approx. 110 litres. 20 guppies themselves would be nearing the fully stocked mark in that tank.

I would seriously consider buying another tank or doing something to lessen the amount of fish you have in that tank.

I would, in the meantime, increase your water changes to about 30% once a week.

Do you have a nitrate test? Or ammonia or nitrite?