Dawn/Panda/Three Spot Tetras...have one?


Superstar Fish
I went to my lps today (checking to see if plants I ordered came in - they didn't :() and the manager showed me some fish that he happened to be able to get. He called them Panda Tetras, but I did research and also found them called Dawn Tetras and Three Spot Tetras, and White Spot Tetras. Their scientific name is:

Aphyocharax paraguayensis

Does anyone have any of these? I found some sites calling them peaceful and others saying they are so aggressive that they need a species tank...

How are they if you do have them?


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I don't...but someone in one of the threads in the past couple of days was saying that they have two of them and when the light is on the big one chases the small one unmercifully...and when the light is off they're fine. I suppose almost any kind of fish is like that when there are only two in the tank and one is smaller than the other...Error on the side of caution, make sure if you get some to get a group not just 2...but I think they're a neat lookin tetra. (did some "googling" and didn't find anything about them being aggressive or that you shouldn't put them in a community tank fyi)


Superstar Fish
Hmmm thanks froggy :) I'm a wee leary about adding them...my gouramis are beautiful and I'd hate to risk that finnage! :) haha. If I got any, I'd get six anyway...but I think I'll just pass on them. They aren't all that colorful anyway.

fishface, I would get two more if your tank allows it...I read the thread but I can't recall the details. But, if you can only get one, I'd get another little one. You wouldn't want two big ones chasing the little one.:cool:


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
OH sorry fishface...I figured tera was a misspelling of tetra !! Your signature says terta which I also assumed was misspelled tetra.

Whats a tera? or a terta?? lol I'm curious now.

Panda...Penguin...WHERE did I go wrong?! good lord...sorry guys...gonna have to claim a blonde moment! -=hide=-


Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
i miss spelled it on my last post they are peguin tetras im sure. im going to get another a small one like u said but cant add anymore to that tank im getting a big tank on saturday 35 to 40 gallons once that is cycled ill put my 3 in, then get a couple more making it 5 in the big tank.