dead dwarf gourami

Nov 7, 2005
I bought a dwarf gourami a couple of months ago and all was well until a couple of weeks ago. I noticed there was a lump on it's side, and it wasn't active at all. Also its blue coloring seemed to disappear. This morning it was lying on the bottom, on its side dead. I have 8 gold barbs and 8 glowlight tetras in my 29 gallon tank, with no problems at all with the others, color included. I tested the water, and it came back 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and 5 ppm nitrate. I perform 50% water changes weekly, and never miss a change. I keep a close eye on the fish, and none of the other fish bothered the gourami at all, in fact they all seem to school together as one big school, with no nipping or chasing. My question is did the lump have anything to do with his death? Is it a common problem? I also noticed the was bent with his tail towards the side where the lump was, and the lump and bent tail had been that way for a couple of weeks before he died. Thanks for any help in advance.

Sep 11, 2005
Yeah. whatever that lump was, it was probably related to the cause of death.

But I keep finding myself saying this again and again - all living things die. They just do. I always find it odd how much we fret as aquarists whenever we lose a fish or two. It doesn't mean anything is wrong with your tank or your other fish. It just happens. Fish die. It's the nature of being an organism.

i am sorry about ur fish.... i just lost one, a fancy guppy, his name was bucky.... when i got home from school, he was floating on his side, but he was alive. my girl guppy, maia, didnt ever pick at him so i dont know what had caused it. although when i thought about it more, i remembered there was a dead beta in the old tank for a few days when i went on vacation. so he probably got sick.... but fish come and go, so u cant blame urself


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2005
Nottingham UK
Can't be certain, But it sounds as though you are doing everything correctly. These things do happen, it could be anything really, but It doesn't sound like you have any aggressive potential killers in the tank. Growths can appear for many reasons , the main thing is to remove any dead fish as soon as you possibly can. Sounds as though you did that anyway...
Get another and try again...