Dead egg or NOT dead egg?

Mar 26, 2005
Wa. State
A few questions:

1. How much salt per gallon for a molly & platy tank? Can you use regular table salt? Kosher? or seasalt?

2. Will live fry be effected by water pretreated for ich? Should they be quarantined although there are no visible effects? Would it be safe to quarantine the "sick" fish *SICK* , and treat both the quarantine and main tank for the parasite?

3. Can an aquatic frog flourish in a salt-treated tank for mollies and platys? ...along with a placo bottom-feeder?

4. DEAD eggs??? Can a female livebearer give birth to fry that are still encased in an egg-sac? If so, is this a sign of stress - like premature birth?

5. Can a molly and guppy female share a breeding/spawning box...meaning..can their fry co-exist together once spawned?

Any knowledgable info on the above questions would be welcomed!

Thanks a bunch,




Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
1. Your other questions lead me to recommend you don't add salt. If you're treating for ich and are thinking of adding other fish/creatures that aren't salt tolerant, I wouldn't do it.

2. The fry should be OK. I wouldn't treat for ich unless you see some signs.

3. Frogs don't like salt, it will probably kill it. No kind of pleco should be kept in anything less than a 20g tank; 30g for a short time if it's a common pleco.

4. Yes it's possible, yes it's a sign of stress.

5. Yes, fry can share a grow out tank.