Dead fish and high alkalinity?


Large Fish
Sep 20, 2008
San Diego
Hey everyone! I feel like I'm posting a question almost every other day, so I apologize but I've got another one...

So I believe the cycling of my tank has finished with ammonia at 0, nitrites at 0, and nitrates hovering around 20ppm. It's been steady for the past week, so I was hoping to add in some fish. Unfortunately my last goldfish wound up dead this morning, and I'm concerned that the tank really isn't ready for fish. I had 3 others die over the past 5 weeks but i had attributed those deaths to either ammonia or nitrite poisoning. Now with this one dead I was wondering if it has anything to do with the high alkalinity of the water (300ppm).

I've been doing research all day but I didn't really stumble upon anything that linked high KH to the deaths of fish. Is there something I'm missing? Also, after soaking my drift wood for several weeks, I finally put it in. The water is very subtly yellow, but could this also have had an impact on the KH or my last fish?


Large Fish
Sep 20, 2008
San Diego
pH is pretty high. I don't know the exact number because I'm just using testing strips but it's definitely up in the 8's.

edit: maybe I should add that I have some amazon swords and several bunches of microsword in there also.

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Large Fish
Sep 20, 2008
San Diego
So, I got a master test kit today and did some tests. Everything was normal except for the pH which was up around 8 or 8.2. I spoke with a few LFS people and they said that the fish that died might have already been sick and they were really cheap so they probably weren't being taken care of at the original store, Petsmart I think. Anyway, the store that I frequently go by sells RO water pretty cheap, or at least the price doesn't bother me, so I'm starting to use a little bit of that in the hopes of lowering the pH and getting things more or less leveled out and stable before putting fish in. Right now I'm a little scared to...