Death to algae!

May 19, 2003
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Hmm... a scraper and a sponge would be easiest wouldn't it?

Pull some of the worst rocks, driftwood, etc. and rinse it off, scrape it off, scrub it... replace.

If its in the tank, just get one of those sponges with a handle and clean it up?

Easier and safer than chemicals I'd believe.

Feb 23, 2003
Naples Fl.
Just how many fish do you have in there?

Brown algae is an indicator of poor water quality. Dosing your tank with additives may rid you of your algae but not get to the source of what is causing the problem in the first place.

My guess is you have a higher concentration of nitrates than is desired. Cutting back on feedings, reducing your bioload, regular filter maintenance, adequate surface agitation, and frequent water changes are the best solution.

There's three yoyo loaches (2" each), three green cories (2" each), two albino cories (1" each), two juli cories (1" each), and two female bettas (2" each).

I actually put filters over the lights to dim. The issue is the algae growing on the plants. It isn't growing on the glass and gravel, and it's actually enhancing the appearance of the drift wood. It's primarily growing on the fake Amazon sword.

Nitrates, ammonia ... everything is perfect (I do a 20% water change every week, and gravel cleaning once per month ... Penguin 170 in fine shape). But, brownish Amazon swords are not appealing. Granted, it takes a month or more for the algae to become a distraction, but I'm not going to buy a live one as I don't particularly like plants. So, back to question ... a simple additive?


Medium Fish
May 19, 2003
You are on the right track with the otocinclous- I had a brown algae explosion on my anubias a couple of weeks ago and I bought an oto (had been planning to get one anyway). He cleaned it up in a couple of days.... cute little fishies they are too- well worth the investment. Shame you are maxed out tho, (and they are such a small fish)~temptation~temptation~.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
FISH carries,those snails and yea your yoyo loaches would snack them quick.i forgot you mentioned them.i tried it in my loach tank to hope that two large ramshorns would breed and offer fresh food but the loaches killed the big ones quick.