decided on a betta, tank help


Small Fish
Feb 9, 2006
southren KY
well, i have done my research!
and i am wanting a betta. i am thinking of getting one sometime next week, or the week after so i have plenty of time to research more and think things threw, etc.
i am wanting to get my tank soon. they have some nice ones at petco that seems good for bettas.
here is a link to what i am thinking of. 10219 30 5046&sku=881554&familyID=12351&
it has a light, but not a heater. it stays about 68 degrees here (its a basement house)
so wont i need a heater. i would turn off the light at night time and the water temp would change. maybe get a heater and not even use the light?
it has a divider where i can have to bettas but since the tank is only 2.5 gallons that wouldnt be a good idea would it.
also, is that even healthy for them to be next to another betta. i know it would make them flair up and make their colors and fins show more. and make them more lively, but im not up for stressing them out.
they have these 5 gals that i like alot. but i dont know about a 5 gallon... i would have to change the water as much, and he would probably be happier tho.
what does three stage filteration mean? i know that some filters have currents too strong for bettas. and again, no heater with this one as well.
does anyone here have any tank suggestions?
thanks in avance


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I have one of the 5g hex tanks, and think they're a great betta home. You can even add some bottom-dwelling tankmates later on. Three-stage filtration includes mechanical (takes out debris), chemical (carbon removes contaminants) and biological (media for good bacteria to colonize). That tank has a nice gentle filter.

I had a tank with an undergravel filter like the first one you have linked, and my betta was miserable in it. They're very hard to clean without taking the fish out, as there's very little room to maneuver in those, especially if you're trying to use a gravel vacuum.

Whichever tank you get you will need a heater. A 25 watt heater will be sufficient. Bettas will suffer and get sick at lower temps -- a steady 78-80F will keep them happy and healthy. :)


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
yeah the 50 watt will work.

if you're willing to wait a little, you can buy a some 25 watt or smaller ones at Dr Foster and Smith. They are having a sale on their Visitherm Stealth heaters. I have one in my tank and it performs great.