decided on stocking for my sons tank! :)

Jan 6, 2009
Western Australia
So as some of you may know i have been recently trying to decide on a feature fish to go in my sons 54litre spongebob themed (about 14 gallons)planted tank with my 5 peppered corys and 3 platys. I know i was keen on a blue ram, dwarf gourami or dwarf cichlid, but i ended up getting a beautiful purple pinkish male veil tale betta. ive had them before so i thought id go for something new, but i just feel so sorry for bettas in those tiny containers so of course he had to come home with me :). So what do you think about how these fish will get along together? im hoping i've made an appropriate decision i just realy want to have happy healthy fish. I love my son being surrounded by the beauty of animals and nature great and small! Also thanks heaps for all of your great advice and help :) Oh yes and on my 20gallon molly tank i wanted to turn brackish im slowly adding instant ocean (not straight in the tank im mixing it properly first) and they seem to be doing pretty good. Ive only added 2 tablespoons so far im not realy sure on how much i should add all up? *PEACE!*


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; Keep an eye on the betta's fins. In my experience the male bettas are mostly slow swimmers and their long fins are sometimes nipped by tankmates. I have had more cases of this than the male betta going after the other, non betta, fish.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Bettas seem to vary in their personality and tolerance. What works for one betta won't for another, so always observe carefully and have a backup plan - sounds like you are doing just that. As skjl mentioned, often the problem isn't the aggression from the betta, but other tankmates. Keep us posted!