Decisions, decisions...

The time has come for upgrading my two 10g tanks. I was originally going to buy two 20g tanks, but thought of another option.

For around the same price, I can go with a 55g or 75g and split it...thereby having one half for my mollies and HypoPlec, and the other half for my Polyptheri and Pictus Cats.

I understand the shared water deal...but it also may be easier to maintain in the long run, and cheaper to equip. In all honesty, it would also look better, and give them more room even a 55g split is 27.5 gallons each. Plus, I won't be keeping those 24 mollies for that much longer, so when they're gone, I can put one or two in one of the 10g tanks and have the whole 75g for my Polyptheri (which will get a foot each...I have three of them) and my Pictus Cats, of which I have two.

Should I just go with the big tank?


Small Fish
Jul 28, 2006
any fish that gets a foot long needs more than a 55, much less having more than one in a 55, i had two juvy pacus in a 55 gallon till i could move again and they were too much for my 55!! and they were only saucer size. unfortunately my room mate at the time succeded in killing one while i was out of town (after for years of keeping them) and the other didnt make it much longer after the long move (he was still sick form recovering from my roomate) but i had already picked out a 175 tnk that was going to hol them till i build my house. of course i have opted to keep the 55 now that they are goen, but i will never get fish that big again! it is too hard getting attached to them, they stress out easier and recover slower, and show signs of sickness mostly after they are too far gone. if i were you i would keep about half the little fish you have and get rid of the giant fish, keep the middle fish, and get the 55 gallon. it will save you a lot of time and anguish in the end!


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2006
id go ahead and go for the bigger tank since it will give them more room, expand your options, and make it easier to "upgrade" in the future (much cheaper to remove a divider than buy a bigger tank :) )

Thanks Tess...that's kinda what I'm leaning towards.

Suki, they aren't a foot long yet, and it's going to be a while before they are. I can upgrade again. I just can't upgrade as much as I want just yet...but I absolutely have to now. That said, the 75g (which is what I'm leaning towards) is the way to go right away, me thinks.

I'm open to some other opinions, though.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Yep, I'd go with the 75g too.

Suki, don't let one bad expreiance turn you off of larger fish, there my favorites, I have 2 oscars and I can't wait for them to get huge, they have the most personality! I love giant plecos and catfish too, big fish are just awesome! :D Although you do need to expect the lefvel of care, dediction, and space they need when you get them. I got 1 oscar and already planned on a 150gal, then I tossed that idea when hubby got an oscar too, now we're going to wait a couple months and look at something 220gal+.

Something new to the mix...

I have a 60g in my possession now. I'm still planning on getting the 75g. Maybe I don't need to split the 75g up after all.

Like I said, though, I don't plan on keeping all the mollies...but I could use it to ease up the bio-load on my original 75g.

Hmm...yes. Yes, I think that's a good plan.

Rossignol said:
u know i never did like mollies
I have one in the main tank, and he's great. All kinds of personality. The other two are in a much smaller aquarium, and they ended up having fry. So now I have a couple dozen mollies. I don't intend on keeping them all...but I'm at least raising them to the point where the LFS will give me some store credit for them.

If they have more fry, I'll probably be more apt to feed them to my Polyptheri.


Small Fish
Jul 28, 2006
VirgoWolf said:
Yep, I'd go with the 75g too.

Suki, don't let one bad expreiance turn you off of larger fish, there my favorites, I have 2 oscars and I can't wait for them to get huge, they have the most personality! I love giant plecos and catfish too, big fish are just awesome! :D Although you do need to expect the lefvel of care, dediction, and space they need when you get them. I got 1 oscar and already planned on a 150gal, then I tossed that idea when hubby got an oscar too, now we're going to wait a couple months and look at something 220gal+.

i am not turned off of big fish, i loved them and when i build a house i am going to put in a wall tank, and prob have another pacu, but right now i would rather be able to have a lot of little fish (even though they seem kinda stupid after having the pacu's personality) than only be able to have one or two big fish, it is just a personal choice and i know that right now i am not able to expand my tank to accomidate them.

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Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Yeah, I understand. I don't know how the Pacu's personality is, but sounds like you need a betta! :) They have great personalities and you only need 2+ gallons for them.

I love the in wall tanks, I wish I could afford to do that. We're going to get a 220gallon or bigger when we move later this year, and I'm just going to imagine it in the wall LOL. I'm addicted to Oscars now though, mine is a trip and hubby's is really warming up to us as well. Got the big one doing flips right out of the water for his food! :) Can't get any better than that LOL.