Decorating the Aqurium


Small Fish
Jun 23, 2004
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I purchased my 1st aqurium, 20 gallons fresh water and set it up.

i orignally did not put much thought into the decorations, and purchased dark blue substrate, and a few blue and white artificial plants.

after researching, i came to the conclusion that i should plan out the decoration scheme, and use more natural colors.

any sugestions or links on decorating?

what color scemes, placements of rocks etc. can other suggest?

i am going to start out with a few female bettas?



Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
my best suggestion would be to check out the FW top tanks section for a lot of ideas. really, its your tank so if you like the blue gravel/plants/etc there is no reason not to keep them. personally, it isn't to my taste...but i dont get the pleasure of looking a it each day. That said, what has inspired you to keep female bettas? they are, relatively speaking, kind of bland and boring in my opinion...there are a lot of much more interesting/nice looking fish that coule be kept in a 20...but again, i dont get to look at it every day :)


Large Fish
Jul 11, 2004
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i agree with what has been stated. check out some of the designs out there. my tropical tank has a very fine gravel, african driftwood, two silk plants, sponge bob, patrick, mr crabs, squidward, gary, and the pineapple. in addition to that it has 8 schoolers two dwarf and two moonlight gourami, two clown loaches, and three snails. it is a cool looking tank.

my cold water has larger black substrate, a ghost white castle, three silkish plants, a progressive dark blue background, and three goldfish that really offset in the aquascaping. this one is available although small, in the freshwater section.

you can have a lot of fun with this portion of the hobby. and you can change it up as frequently as every water change. enjoy