Deep Effects of Fin Rot on Neons


Medium Fish
Jun 20, 2003
Australia Brisbane
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Hi everyone, I have got neon Tetras whom have had Fin Rot for a long time ever since i got them from the Lfs, some a worse than others, 2 are very bad, I had treid endless Mythylene Green Treatments, doesnt seem to help, I have recently tried Triple Sulfa tablets and this seems to be working, but not on the badly effected 2. even with high doses, to the point where my shark was ill for a few days because of it, the other tetras showed improvement, but not the main 2. Does i have anything todo with fin gowth? The 2 that are badly effect have it on there bodies two. Should i keep doing weekly high does, with breaks between, or change product?

triple sulfa contains: 153.5mg Sulfadiazine, 157.4mg Sulfadimidine, 154.1 SulfaMerazine as the monosodium salts.

I have also tried Rock Salt. no impovement on the badly effect two. Should i quarantine them and hit them with high doses?>?

From what I hear, melafix is pretty much useless. Myacin has worked a bit for me. Maracyn has worked too. Not sure if its the same product, little different name or what but they both do the trick. I have a few pretty bad cases of fin rot that my lfs has blessed me with as well that haven't gotten much better although the medicine has helped a bit. Good luck.