Deep Sand Beds and Freshwater Aquariums


Large Fish
May 6, 2006
Tampa, FL
In saltwater tanks deep sand beds (e.g. a 4"-6"+ depth of very fine grain sand either in the main tank or in a remote location such as a sump or refugium) can be used as a form of natural nitrate reduction (as it provides the oxygen-free environment required for anaerobic bacteria to form and convert nitrate).

What are the obstacles that prevent deep sand beds from functioning as a natural nitrate reduction media in a freshwater set up?


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
From my limited experince it should work, it's just with saltwater you have to keep nitrates lower then freshwater so you have to do more to keep it down. With freshwater you can let it get higher then just do a water change (which is cheaper and easier with fresh) to bring them down, plus you aren't akeing up a lot of room with sand.

But yeah i guess it could work, i know MTS snails burrow and might help out with that much sand.