Defensive Pleco


New Fish
Oct 23, 2007
Hey guys! New poster, and I need some online help and after looking around a bit, this seemed like the best place to get it. I have a Pleco in my 70 Gallon tank, it's the only Pleco, and it gets along fine with most of the other fish. Except a few weeks ago we had a Dojo Loach, and one night I found the Loach dead, and the Pleco majorly going to town on the Loach's head. I figured it might of been more innocent than foul play, since the Loach is an algae eater after all, maybe it tastes like Algae...

Well, now there's a Ropefish in the tank, and whenever he gets anywhere near the Pleco, the Pleco chases the Ropefish around, and if he catches him, gives his tail and midsection a good sucking, it definately isn't friendly. Is this regular behavior? Should I be worried for the Ropefish? Is there anything I can do?


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Your Pleco sounds to be defendig his territory. He may not allow other bottom dwelling fish live in your tank. But: What kind of Pleco is it?? How big is he?? And how is your tank set up?? Are there multiple caves and crevises to hide in??


Superstar Fish
Nov 21, 2007
Ft. Campbell, Ky
I've had a defensive pleco, well I still do I guess. He's very defensive over the area he is in at the time, not really the whole tank. I feed him algae wafers off and on. 1 of my goldfish is a fatty and will try to eat your finger if you put it in the tank. So, the goldie always goes after the wafers when I put it in. Once my pleco gets ahold of it, he will chase off anyone who tries to get a bite.

But, as far as attacking others, not so much.