Defying all logic!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
As you may or may not know, I have a 100g heavily planted aquarium that was meant for Discus. Unfortunately, no one here cares to sell me any. I also have a Green Terror that I'm becoming quite partial to. He seems to have an authoritative temperment, but not violent. He gets along quite well with the Texas Cichlid, Clown Loaches, and the 2 otocinclus. He hasn't been ripping on the Jungle Val or Amazon Sword in the tank either.

Who wants to place bets on how he will get along as the Discus replacement in the 100G? At the moment I've only got my best Angel (4"or so, excluding his massive fins), a Blue Gourami I'm keeping for a friend (5" or so), 9 loaches (3 clowns, 2 yo-yo's, 2 zebras, & 2 hora's), some dumb (read: feeder) mollies that are there for algae purposes, 3 Rainbowfish, and 9 or so (I done forgot) otocinclus. This tank has never been stocked with my preference of fish yet, as I've been concentrating on the plants since its conception. Aside from Discus, I was thinking Angel's or Rainbows.

This is all for fun and experimentation. You never learn anything by sticking with the norms! If there are serious problems, he will be removed.

Opinions? Suggestions? Bets? I may have an award for the most opinionated individual, provided they are correct... ;)