Demon Eartheater


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
I just got some new fish from someone at work who is dismantling their tank (moving and have no room for it). I gor some more danios and a cichlid - it's called a Demon Eartheater and I did some online research and I think it's latin name is geoaphagus juropari at least the pics match this fish and the common name. Does anyone have any information about this fish or maybe a good website where I can find out more info? It's not really all that big right now, maybe a bit larger than my kribs (maybe 2 inches). I have it in my community 55 gallon tank right now. I hope it wasn't a mistake to take it, I just didnt want to see it "done away with" by them flushing it down the toilet, so me with my sappy heart offered to take it. And my kribs are already letting it know to stay the heck away from us...we have fry, dammit!!!! It doesnt seem all that aggressive yet, but then again it has only been in the tank for a couple hours.
Thanks so much!
p.s. I dont have the digital camera tonight but I can take some pictures soon of it, to show everyone. Hope I I-D'ed it correctly.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
They're very nice fish, but I think they're now Satanoperca rather than Geophagus. Rather than recommending indiviual sites , you will find it easy to just google the scientific name, and get some sites that way.


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
Thanks, wayne, I did do google and found a lot of sites with very very basic information and not the stuff I was interested in learning...are they compatible with community fish, what are thier dietary requirements, are they solitary or prefer schools/couples, do they want a cave to hide in, how territorial are they etc. etc., that kind of stuff.
He seems to be pretty happy this morning sifting thru the sand and expelling it through his gills. The other fish aren't freaking out so I guess it's ok for now, I'm just concerned about long term capatability.


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
Here are some stats from a south american cichlid book I have:

Demonfish, 'Jurupari'

Distribution: Guyana, Amazonia

Length: Up to 12in

Diet: Sift inverts and plant material from the substrate. In aquarium they are omnivorous but need some frozen and live food for optimal growth.

Aqaurium Mant: Warm water 78-85, bogwood, plants and dither fish to overcome shyness. Should only be kept with other peaceful fish. Aggressive cichlids may prevent spawning.

Other readings in the book stated that they did better in fine gravel or sand so they could perform the sifting motion. They will inevitably dig up rooted plants. They can be very shy fish ecspecially if light is too intense.

From what I gather I would treat them like any other seemingly peaceful cichlid. I am sure if a small fish swam in front of them they would take it as a snack but I don't think they are aggressive and will seek out other fish.

Hope some of this helped.


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
This fish is awesome! He is SOOO cichlid like with his personality and looks (great big eyes, broad head) but as peaceful as you please! He sifts around the sand better than any cory cat eating up leftovers and keeping the bottom clean, thus also preventing any anaerobic patches. I'm kinda worried about how big it will get tho, I've read 12 inches! That's a big fish compared to what I have now. But he is doing great and the poor thing, I don't think he has ever seen frozen bloodworms, he didnt know what to think of them the first night I had him but now he is chowing on them and loving it. He's small right now, maybe 1 1/2 - 2 inches, so he must be just a baby and pretty drab colored. Can't wait to see how he fares! :D