Dented Betta?

Mar 31, 2005
When I bought my new betta, Jake, he wasn't doing very well. At the store he was in a small container with hardly any water, and the water he did have was disgusting. I bought him because I felt really bad for him, I hadn't planned on buying a fish. I got him home in his clean water, and new house, and he seemed to perk up a little bit. My husband, my fish guy, said he might have an infection the way he was acting, so we have been treating him with tetracycline. He is actually perking up, and swimming like a little trooper on and off, then he gets weak. My question is, when I look at him he looks indented in the middle, and he has a little problem making quick turns. Is it because he may not have been eating well, or is he injured? I don't know a whole lot about Bettas, but I think he is improving. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks. :confused: :confused:


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
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He may have sustained an injury, but since he's improving I would let nature take it's course. Be careful not to overfeed him ... Bettas will eat until they become ill. Once a day every other day is fine.