Depressed Betta


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I just purchased a male betta yesterday night from Wal-Mart, where I rescued him out of one of those tiny little cups. I set up a 1 gallon tank with an air pump and a UGF, and added gravel and a small plant. He seems very skittish, he hides behind the plant near the bottom of the tank. If he starts to venture away and I move, he darts right back and stays for a while until he gets brave again. The tank is sitting on the corner of the computer desk, next to the corner of the wall so there is not much action. He hasn't eaten at all and doesn't seem to be interested in food, it just floats to the bottom of the tank. Is there anything I can do to make him feel safe in his new home??? And do you think I should get a snail or shrimp to give him some company??? I wasn't sure if I could put anything else in a 1 gallon. BTW ~ I plan on getting him a mini-bow 2.5gal soon.


Large Fish
Jul 21, 2005
southern oregon coast
I dont know that there are too many fish that DONT act the way yours is having been moved afew times now, counting to your home. Maybe you could turn the lights out, and stay away from the tank for awhile and just let him calm down. Alot of times too they WONT eat until they can calm down, which wont hurt him at all. Just give him some space to explore his new surroundings and Im sure things will be just fine. Good Luck!

Sep 16, 2005
bettas are weird little fishies.

when my boyfriend first got a female for his Asian tank, she got chased by his gourami, so she swam under the lava rocks and hid for a week or two. she didn't even come out to eat.

eventually she came out and became a member of the aquarium, but still likes to venture under the java moss and meditate for hours at a time. then she'll swim around, then hide behind the rocks, then admire her reflection in the glass, and then swim around...

all fish, after being moved, get a bit stressed and act skittish and strange. as long as you're taking good care of the fish (not overfeeding, religious water changes, cleaning the bowl, etc.) he will eventually act "normal".


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Yesterday I purchased a mini-bow 2.5 gallon for my betta and to use as a possible snail breeding tank. He absolutely loves it, he is no longer hiding and has become very nosy. He keeps swimming around in the front of the tank looking at me :)

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Needs more room

I feel that a Betta's home should be at least 3 gallons for him to be happy and active. I highly recomend Eclipse 3 or larger, their filters have gentle currents, great fpr bettas. Bettas need a soft quiet filter, an air pump is not needed unless it is used for carbon filter. Also make sure the tank is 74-80 degrees, a cold betta is unhappy and will not be as active as one in a warm tank. Also Bettas take time adjusting to their new home and may not eat for a few days, so give him some time.

Thanks on getting that little guy out of his tiny prison!*PEACE!*


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
He's fine now, but I just purchased an Eclipse Hex 5 for him because I didn't like the ugf. To keep live plants with a ugf you have to have like 4" of gravel and I didn't like that. He likes the bunch of anacharis that I have in there with him and I'm going to put that into the new 5 gallon.