Design of overflow/sump system for small tanks


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Hey folks,

Well, we're going to be adding some new tanks PDQ for our soon to arrive baby guppies...

I'm looking at buying some cheap acrylic 'critter cages' tanks for the fry. Probably 4 4.5gals and 2 2.5g. Question is how to link them... I understand the basics of a overflow/sump system, but how do I actually design and build it?

I'm worried about keeping good flow between the tanks and constant temperatures (how do I know the first tank in line wont be warmer than the 6th?)

Suggestions by those more experienced?



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
If it's going to be that small of a holding tank with frys, the best option is to buy some sponge filters operated by one powerful air pump.

No use in an overflow system or connecting them considering that they will get suck up by the overflow.

Furthermore, it's cheaper to use a sponge filter with an air pump.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Problem with sponge filters and treating each tank independantly, is heating, and because they are small tanks, the 'wilder' changes in water quality... Treating the 6 tanks together, means having the 'equivalent' of a 24gal tank.

Finding small heaters is also turning into a bit of a headache (I hear walmart sells 7.5w ones, but I have yet to see any). Never mind finding plugins for 6 heaters :)

Changing the water in the little tanks is a royal PAIN... I've got my males right now in a 2gallon tank, and I hate maintaining it... (So needless to say its not as well maintained as it should be) I know I"ll still have to syphon each tank individually, to keep them clean, but I'd still like to keep the syphon work down to a minimum... These tanks are actually going to be on the bottom shelf of our current guppy 10g tank stand (about 12" off the floor)

My thoughts were to use probably a rubbermaid tub as the sump (something in the 10-15gal range) Running a pair of heaters (probably 2 100w's) and a 60GPH power head to return the water to the tanks. Loosing the fry into the sump isn't a huge worry, the overflow would be covered with something to prevent such issues, and worst case, I'm sure the fry could survive in the sump for up to a day before they were found...
