I have a 105 gallon with an assortment of african cichlids. Last week I lost 2 in one day, lost another two 4 days later, lost one last night and one today. All my waters tests have been perfect. The fish are fine one minute and dead a few hours later. With no warning signs, at least visible. When I have found them they are on the bottom and very pail almost white and blotchy. I have been keeping fish for 3 1/2 years and never even had a sick fish so I don't no where to start. I have been doing weekly water changes of 25%. The only chemical I add to the tap water is chlorine remover. Someone please help me! The fish I have lost are (hope these names are correct) electric blue, venustus, tiger hap?, dwarf pleco, morri dolpin, blue african?. I bought 2 fish from a large LFS and bought 2 more about a month later and the next day is when they started dieing.
What to do????
What to do????