desperately egg-filled cherry barb

Jun 22, 2003
NS, Canada
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I originally had 3 cherry barbs, 2f and 1m... The first day, two spawned but of course they ate all the eggs. As I added more fish I discovered the male was EXTREMELY aggressive (ie. he even attacked yellow labs when I tried him in my bf's cichlid tank - before that tank's parameters were cichlid-ey)

So... I returned him and got another female, leaving me with just 3f. Now, one of the original 2 females (the one that didn't spawn) is INCREDIBLY fat. I am fairly certain she is full of eggs... my question is: Will she be okay? Do the eggs just disintegrate, or will she lay them unfertilized, or will she be perpetually fat with eggs?

Is there anything I can do to help?

Jul 15, 2003
Western New York
If I remember my fish biology correctly, she will probably lay her eggs anyway...however some species if fish its the male that takes care of them...not sure about barbs...then the male fertilizes them once they are laid...just make sure she has a good place to lay them...she may not go to the same place your other fish did...may be territorial...

don't quote me on all this...someone else may have more knowledge than I