Dieing Glowlight ?


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
I have a glowlight that is totally messed up. It swims unside down, vertical and lays on the bottom of the tank upside down. I know he is dieing and his fins look pretty bad as i saw the other fish nipping him. Hes been hanging alive for almost 2 days now and I just want to know what this is and why? The tank is healthy and this is one of the glowlights i had the longest so could it just be from old age or does he have something wrong? Thanks.

- depthC


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Originally posted by depthC
I have a glowlight that is totally messed up. It swims unside down, vertical and lays on the bottom of the tank upside down. I know he is dieing and his fins look pretty bad as i saw the other fish nipping him. Hes been hanging alive for almost 2 days now and I just want to know what this is and why? The tank is healthy and this is one of the glowlights i had the longest so could it just be from old age or does he have something wrong? Thanks.

- depthC
You said it yourself. The other fish nipping at him are killing him. What fish are they? posibly sapae tetras mabys?

Take him out and put him in a tank by himself so he can heal. One of my lemmon tetras was attacked by a sapea tetra and his fins were falling out. I removed the fin nipping fish and within a week his fins were grown back and he is as healthy as ever!


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
They are only nippin at him because he is defensless and is out of the normal i guess. Bloodfins and glowlights but they arnt constantly nipping at him just every once in a while when he swims infront of them.
Also i dont really plan to incubate him because im certain there must be something wrong internally and not a disease. So hes pretty much presumed dead to me but i dont know why he is swimming all messed up.

- depthC


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2003
i've heard cucumber is good for that. i had a sick molly that was swimming all messed up. i gave her melafix and cucumber. now she's days away from having babies. she should of had babies a month ago but that's when she was sick and miscariaged :(


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Yeah that is probably it , swim bladder infection.
Roop how would cucumber and malafix help your molly? My glowlight doesnt eat and im pretty sure hes a gone-er. I can home today and hes still gulping air laying on the bottom of the tank.

- depthC