Dieing Kuhli loach

May 9, 2005
I bought two kuhlis two days ago, one died yesterday and the second seems to be dieing. Its floppy around upside down and seems to have a hard time moving, with its spine kinda bent. I can't tell if its because of handling/damage or stress, water conditions disease etc. The store people netted it just like any other fish and it was hard to get. I read taht its spine can be easily damaged, is that referring to the main spine running along its body? I also had trouble netting it, so could it be due to damage from transportation? In the bag it seemed fine swimming around, then I netted it in the tank, where it quickly dissapeared in the moss clump I have. Then, a day later one of them was found dead on its side. Today, the lone survivor is flopping around seemingly in distress and unable to get up or swim right.

Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Which tank did you keep the loach in? It is suggested that they be kept in
20G+. I agree with you though, the kuhlis have been the hardest fish to catch next with my swordtail. I bought 2 the other day and had to return it. I was also worried about damaging the fish since I had to use so much force. Maybe you can check your water parameters and tell us of what you find.

May 9, 2005
tested ammonia and nitrite at 0. Just did a water change a few days ago so not much nitrates. All the other fish are ok, except a dead guppy I found today. This ones been acting up for days now so it wasnt completely unexpected. The loach has died...
Not a good day, considering my water parameters are fine.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
That's too bad. One of the LFS owners once told me that kuhlis tend to ship poorly, especially if they're small, so maybe he had just recently arrived in the store and was already stressed out.

EinNaws' suggestion works well. You can also have a stationary net and chase the kuhli into it with another net. Still takes a while, though. They're wiggly little suckers. You get pretty sad looks when you go into an LFS and ask for 6 kuhli loaches...

May 9, 2005
Thanks for the tips. Can loaches get mouth fungus? Heres a crazy possibility- my guppy fry were all infested with mouth fungus/fin rot for probably weeks now. They have been dieing but i couldnt find any since they hide in a giant clump of java moss. THats where the loaches hid too, could they have eaten dead guppy fry and gotten fatally sick with days?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I don't think they would get sick that fast, but they probably can get mouth fungus. They are sensitive to most medications, were you treating the tank with anything?

May 9, 2005
No, just found out today. Its so strange I've been missing alot of fry for a week now and upon closer inspection they all had rotted fins and stuff, some with a slimy whitish covering on the fins. One of my largest fry was found dead with its mouth proped open, just like my large female, both with mouths full of stuff and sucking at the top. THen I realized it was mouth fungus. What is strange though is they keep scratching themselves on this ornament I have, not all the time but occasionally. There is nothing from the outside on the remaining large guppies I can see, no visible fungus or anything. Can mouth fungus cause this? I'm planning to use melafix to treat since I've got corys and a frog in the tank.

My major issue now is I don't know what to do with my huge ball of moss. Its a large clump of java moss, and I have a feeling alot of my fry are in there dead. I dont want to throw it out, its a large healthy plant. Yet, I don't want to keep dead fry rotting in my tank. A solution?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Can you pull out the moss and rinse it in tank water (or dechlorinated water)? Or swish it around in a bucket of tank water? That should get most bodies out, if there are any. And it'll let you see if there are any healthy babies underneath it.