Different Plecos

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
There are many different types of plecos that you can get. BUT some of the rarer ones will diffenantly cost you more. $50+ in some cases. Here are a few
http://www.aquahobby.com/e_gallery.php scroll down to catfish section and look through those. The hard thing is that many LFS dont carry more of the unusual ones because they are so much more expensive. My LFS carries about maybe 10 or so different kinds.

One pleco I like is the rubber nose pleco. Fairly cheap in the 5 to 10 dollar range and max out at around i think 6in or so, so good for small aquariums.

I just purchased a Royal pleco that cost around 15 for which I think look pretty good.

It really just depends on what the stores around you carry or you could by online if you cant find the ones you like


Large Fish
Dec 6, 2005
Coolville, Ohio
I had a common pleco in my 25gal and it never got too big for it. It got maybe 5 to 6 inches and never got bigger and I had it for several years. Also will drift wood cloud my water or affect my other fish in any way. I have several rocks and decorations that my common pleco likes to suck on. Will those work or do I need drift wood.

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
Well normally they get large like 17"+ http://www.myfishtank.net/reviews/showproduct.php/product/178/sort/2/cat/2/page/1
The two together may be fine it really depends on the fish themselves. Most of the time it is not recommended but it could work but like lotus said, The common pleco will out grow your tank. But that doesnt mean that you cant enjoy it while it is still small and then you could trade it in to your LFS when it is larger.

The drift wood should not cloud your water. BUT it will over the years will slowly lower your ph but as long as you are doing water changes it should not be a problem. and also may discolor you water to a light brown not a big deal and will be taken care of with water changes. here is a link more about driftwood:


Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
Artificial driftwood is not really a good substitute for the real thing. Plecos like to rasp (chew) on the drift wood. My Bristle nose pleco basically lives off of the driftwood in my tank I have put many different types of veggies in the tank for him but barely touches them. Plus I have found that the real drift would is cheaper (at some fish stores) and they look better

I dont really have any experience with Mbunas. I do with Africans peacocks and those of lake Tanganyika. You can always try but make sure that you have a few free hours to watch what the cichlids reaction to it. Dont be surprised if it dont like another fish in its territory. And if there is a problem just move the pleco to another tank.


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
Rubbernose are nice, but lazy. If you have a place to buy them, try for a Blue Phantom. They're really active and nice to look at. Mine's also unusually friendly ;)
The Big Al's near me has at least a dozen types of Pleco, so I'm usually not in sort supply. But since they're hard to find, try finding a specialty tropical fish store in the yellowpages, they usually carry at least Clown Plecs.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Most plecos get along just fine as long as you have plenty of places for them to hide. The problem here with the L128 blue phantom is they also get pretty large and will take up a lot of the available bioload in your tank. Same with the L200.

It's the bigger plecs that tend to beat the crap out of each other. Normally over territory. Not to say that just because it is small there won't ever be a tiff, just they have more room to run away from each other.

There are many many other plecos that you can get at a reasonable price that stay under 5 inches. Check out www.planetcatfish.com and look in to them for the ones you like. I could prob even point you in the direction of a source or 2 for any particular one you like.


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
Ah yes, I remember that Blue Phantom you were talking about :)
As Pure said, almost all plecos will get along as long as there is enough room. My Common and Gold Line sometimes go at each other a bit, but they each have their spots to run off to and hide in. I'm lucky at the moment that my Phantom is small and thus doesn't bother the other three.
I'm planning my next tank around plecos and their need for territory, so I can keep more. It's an important part of having them, so make sure you have decent space for each of them.

Sep 8, 2005
I have a clown pl*co, a rubber lip and a black lace in a 100 gal tank. They get along fine now that they have sorted out their territories. The clown pl*co is the most territorial and will not allow the other pl*cos under his bridge.


Large Fish
Dec 6, 2005
Coolville, Ohio
I just bought a clown pleco! he is so cool looking! Thanks for all of the suggestions. Also I got a piece of driftwood for him hopefully he will love it. I also talked to the owner of the fish store he said he could special order a pleco for me as long as it wasn't really rare.

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