After my uncle gave me his aquarium I went digging through the various bottles, and came across a couple that I haven't heard of before, and so, before I use them, I'd like your opinion on them... I think there all brand new, but I can't say that for sure..
The first one is Easy Balance by Tetra Aqua? - eliminates water changes
Algae Destroy Liquid by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals? - Destroys Algae
Cycle by Hagen? Bacteria culture
Waste Control by Biocare - Controls Organic Waste
and last but not least A.C.T. by Mardel - Bacterial Culture
Anyway, any info on any of these products would be great.. thx
The first one is Easy Balance by Tetra Aqua? - eliminates water changes
Algae Destroy Liquid by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals? - Destroys Algae
Cycle by Hagen? Bacteria culture
Waste Control by Biocare - Controls Organic Waste
and last but not least A.C.T. by Mardel - Bacterial Culture
Anyway, any info on any of these products would be great.. thx