Diffused C02 in tap

Feb 18, 2013
I've started noticing a couple of things as my tank ages.

First, my water changes while performed regularly, often are not necessary as my nitrates are staying between 5 and 10 ppm. I however do a 20 % wc weekly to build a habit, for when the fish are adults and have a higher bio load.

Secondly, my Jellybean usually shows signs of irritation a 24-48 hours, she turns from white to a rosy \ bright red. Then afterward she fades back to white.

All of my water parameters 0\0\5-10 weekly, and bi-weekly, Water fluctuates daily from 81-84 during the heat of the day, none of the other fish seem to be sensitive or affected.

This lead me to test my tap, and I've noticed that my tap is 8.6, but my tank before a WC is 8.2. Everything I've read stated that C02 is probably diffused in my tap, and over the 24-48 hours after changing the water it dissipates between the canister agitating the water surface, and the sponge filter in the tank.

The only thing I can really find is to fill a few buckets of water, add airstones to said buckets, and let them sit a few days before performing WC's then use that water to replace what is removed.

Does anyone have experience dealing with this, or other suggestions ?

Feb 18, 2013
Welcome back ! it's been a while since I've seen you on the forums.

Yep Jack, only he laid eggs a month ago, but Jack is her name nevertheless.

I was thinking about replacing the silicate sand with an Aragonite based sand, however I'm not sure if it would be able to compensate for the spikes. I think Thyra mentioned that Java Moss acts like a sponge and absorbs a ton of nutrients, perhaps the two together. For now I'm looking for a potable 55 gal water barrel, always open to other suggestions too.