Dirty Goldfish!!


Medium Fish
Feb 18, 2008
Hi there guys,

Pretty new to the hobby, just set a tank up at work for a bit of fun, but already love the little fellas!

My tank is nicely cycled now after about 8 weeks ph just over 7 nitrate/ites/ammonmia all good but now feel made some bad choices first up.

1 went cold water instead of tropical
2 plonked a couple of goldfish in there not realising they need so much space to thrive.

I'm considering throwing a heater in there to change the nature of the aquarium, I have a new home for the goldies and shrimp, the Danios should be ok in a warmer tank.

2 questions

will the change in temp affect the cycling? I don't know maybe different bacteria or new issues?

Fish combo: was thinking a couple of Dwarf Gourami, any reccomendations for a hoovering up type fish (I want one that will not get too big) and the Danios shouldn't over stock it I hope.

Am going to get a 30 gal tank soon so will be looking for suggestions for that soon.




Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Gouramis are labrynth breathers like bettas and paradise fish. It's widely advised you do not keep more then one in a tank unless it's two females or male/female. The males can be very terrtorial and if you get a pair one male will eventually bully the other to death.

In a small tank 1 Gourami makes a good center peice fish. How many american gallons is 35L? I think it's a little under 10G. If that's the case I would suggest maybe 2 more danios so they can school together and a pair of ottos to help keep your tank clean and you're fully stocked. (though don't add them all at once! 1 type of fish, wait 3 weeks, 1 more wait three weeks so on)