Dirty old Tank

Mar 8, 2010
I stumble accross an old fish tank in my friends yard yesterday. The water had evaporated from this tank ages ago. Needless to say, the tank is very dirty.

What would be the best things to use to clean this up and get fish in there again?


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
I would be wary of such outdoor finds. usually the seals are gone from age and weathering and the glass may have micro-cracks in it.

If you choose to use the tank, it needs a through cleaning with a combination of vinegar and peroxide. Those are 2 chemicals that are somewhat safe to use on fish equipment, because of a very small amount remains in the tank it wont necessarily kill most fish.

Feb 27, 2009
I'd fill it with water as-is and see if it leaks first before tackling the cleaning.

If it doesn't leak, I've used salt and water and good ole 'elbow grease' (the salt acts as an abrasive) with good success. Bleach won't hurt anything either, as it will dissipate once dry. Vinager is good for hard-water deposits.

Some try to fix small leaks, but I wouldn't trust it if its a big tank. And small tanks are not that expensive to just go with new.

Good luck!