Disappearing Act


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana

When I got up this morning, much to my dismay, one of my baby clownfish has disappeared. He and his partner were both swimmingly last night before lights out. This morning only one lonely guy waggling in the corner. I checked the powerheads, the skimmer in box, the floor, and every nook and cranny in the live rock I could see into. God forbid he has died, could he just disappear without a trace. Could the hermits and shrimp have a feast on poor little clowny's remains and we wouldn't find a trace? Is it possible his little body is caught up in the live rock and I will have some sort of disasterous ammonia spike? Or is is possible he is just hiding out? Which is totally unlike him......


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
id watch the levels in the tank and just make sure they stay normal. In a tank that big its very possible for him to die and have no traces left IMO, the shrimp alone oculd have gone after him.

keep an eye out for him and I hope he turns up


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
Mkay not so long ago my clown jumped out of the tank...he's alive, luckily i was there when it happened. I wondered why. Couples of nights ago, i checked my tank during the night...the biggest of my chromis was chasing the clown. He's twice the size of my clown...he grew too fast !
During the day, the clown is still the boss, using his best friend the yellow tang to protect him ...when the lights turn off, the chromis attacks.
I think there can be a similarity with your inhabitants.
You should check in you substrate...once i found the remains of my banggai cardinal burried by his killer.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
wow.....I have the opportunity to take back the chromis as I whined at the lfs that what I thought would be peaceful docile inhabitants have turned my 75 g into a water version of a greyhound race with a clown disguised as a rabbit. Personally I would pick the clowns over the chromis any day of the week. If that was the case maybe he is in hiding.....though I doubt it. I think he took the big sand nap. ticks me off....think I will get rid of the chromis......and get a larger percula clown to keep little one happy maybe they will mate up. and look for some bangaii cardinals.....I head they are really peaceful and maybe three would be a good number?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
3 will not be a good number - if you get two males one will pester the other to death in due order. In a 75 it's a single or definite pair


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
well these chromis are the hounds from hell. I am sure. Clowny showed up he is literally holed up in a hole in the live rock......staked this out as his home. Won't come out even to eat. I think I need to distribute the chromis to new homes or at least a a couple of them. I need to tempt him out to eat. the chromis are pigs and hardly let any food get past them. I don't want to over feed though but how can I ensure that the clowns and inverts are getting enough to eat?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Okay I tried to lure him out with frozen formula one this morning directed at his hidey hole with a turkey baster.....no luck. Neither one is eating. I am not sure why. The one hiding was eating fine a few days ago. This is strange. They do not look sick, the one not hiding is waggling around though not very adventuresome. I will give him a few days and see if he comes out, any other suggestions???????